For? for a guitar to produce a more or less decent sound, an amplifier is a must. But it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on its acquisition. The amplifier is not so difficult to assemble at home if you have the right parts.

It is necessary
- - circuit for amplifier $
- - digital receiver $
- - DAC $
- - operational amplifier $
- - stabilizer for microcircuits $
- - active filter $
- - printed circuit board $
- - case for the amplifier /
Step 1
Purchase and arrange all the necessary parts on the desktop. In order for the sound to not suffer, do not spare money. Remember that if you do something with your own hands, then you will certainly do it well and efficiently. In addition? it is advisable to have some experience in soldering, or at least carefully study this issue, and then proceed to assembly. Because illiterate actions can reduce the chances of enjoying excellent sound to zero.
Step 2
Prepare your PCB. You can make it yourself, buy it on the market, or even order from people who make such things. But it is impossible to unequivocally answer how the method will be more reliable. You decide. Remember that the convenience of purchasing a board on the market lies in the fact that you can buy other spare parts at the same time. In any case, when you have a printed circuit board in your hands, consider that it remains only to strictly follow the instructions. Build very carefully to avoid mistakes. Otherwise, all your work may end up going down the drain.
Step 3
Arrange and secure all the parts from the list in their places according to the diagram. Next, you need to seal and recheck all the details. Only after you have made sure several times that you have done everything according to the scheme and have not made a mistake anywhere, you can proceed to connecting the device for further use.
Step 4
Buy good speakers or use the best ones you have in your home. Only high-quality equipment can fully demonstrate the result of your work. Good speakers can also help pinpoint assembly defects if the sound isn't entirely satisfactory or not to your liking at all. And if everything is in order, then they will certainly transfer all the work and diligence you put into working on this unit.