For tricks with hands, no complicated and expensive props are required. It is not difficult to perform them, so even a child can surprise the audience with such tricks.

It is necessary
- For the Severed Finger focus:
- - a small cardboard box with a lid;
- - synthetic winterizer;
- - scissors.
- For the "It hurts, it hurts" focus:
- - scarf;
- - carrot;
- - needles.
- For the Dirty Hands focus:
- - ground cinnamon or nutmeg.
Step 1
Show the audience the lidded box and tell the audience that it contains the severed finger. Invite one of the spectators to open the lid and make sure. There will really be a finger in the box.
Step 2
For this trick, you need to prepare a simple props. Take a box about 6x10 cm in size. Put a piece of padding polyester on the bottom. Cut a hole in the bottom of the box and padding polyester so that you can stick your middle finger into it.
Step 3
Insert your finger into the hole and straighten the material. Take the box in your hand, holding it with your thumb and little finger, and close it with the lid. You can start demonstrating focus. For more effect, wiggle your finger as the audience looks at it.
Step 4
The trick “It hurts, it hurts” is not for the faint of heart. Clench the fingers of your left hand into a fist and raise your thumb. Throw a handkerchief over it. Start sticking needles into it from different sides. The audience will feel that you are in great pain. Take the needles out of your finger, remove the handkerchief, and show the audience that the finger is okay.
Step 5
The secret of trick is in the carrot, which must be clamped in the fist of the left hand, and then carefully pull it out under the handkerchief and boldly stick the needles into the carrot. Then hide the carrot in your fist again, remove the handkerchief and show your healthy finger. Invite the viewers to do the same, it is unlikely that someone will agree to such an experiment.
Step 6
For a very easy to perform, but no less effective trick called "Dirty Hands", prepare "dirt". Take ground cinnamon or nutmeg. Place a small pile in front of you.
Step 7
Ask one of the audience members if their hands are clean. Inspect them from all sides together. At the same time, lick your thumb and discreetly touch the spice pile. Take the viewer by both hands, touching his “dirty” finger to his palm, and turn them with the palms down. Ask the viewer to make a fist so that no dirt can get on them.
Step 8
Put the powder on top of the hand, on the palm of which you left the "dirt", and begin to rub it in, as it were. Let the viewer know that she will pass through the hands. Brush the spices off the trick's hand and ask them to unclench their fists. Miracle, the "dirt" went through my hands.