How To Learn To Play The Duduk

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How To Learn To Play The Duduk
How To Learn To Play The Duduk

Video: How To Learn To Play The Duduk

Video: How To Learn To Play The Duduk
Video: Duduk Lesson 1- How to Prepare the Duduk to Play 2024, October

Duduk is an ancient Armenian wind reed instrument, the sad and gentle melodies of which accompany the entire history of this small nation. UNESCO recognized duduk music as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind, but not everyone can play a seemingly such a simple instrument.

How to learn to play the duduk
How to learn to play the duduk


Step 1

The duduk consists of a pipe and a cane, a removable double reed tongue. Pressurized air is blown between the two plates of the cane, which vibrate to create a soft sound. There are eight holes on the front surface of the duduk, and one on the back surface. By closing and opening the holes alternately with their fingers, dudukists achieve the sound of notes of different heights. The lowest note is obtained by playing with all holes covered. The reed usually has a cap and tone control, a leather band.

Step 2

Before playing the duduk, remove the cap and moisten the end of the reed so that it opens. To do this, hold the cane in your hand and breathe on it for a while. Or moisten it with saliva (lick it), but not too much. The cane should open half a millimeter. In the course of the game, the cane opens more strongly, then the clamp is used to regulate its opening. Sometimes duduk players have to change their reeds while playing. they open up strongly.

Step 3

Take the cone of the cane in your mouth at a distance of 4-5 mm from its cut and pinch it with your lips. Inflate your cheeks so that your lips do not touch your gums and slowly blow into the reed until it vibrates gently. In the art of playing the duduk, the force of the air flow is not so much important as an impulse is needed to vibrate the reeds of the reed. Do not blow hard, or you will get a harsh squealing sound.

Step 4

Spend your first duduk lessons without pinched holes. This will be the highest sound of the instrument. Note that a slight change in lip pressure on the reed will change the sound, lowering and raising the sound. It is necessary to achieve a clear sound of the duduk.

Step 5

It is most useful to start learning to play the duduk, as with any instrument, with playing scales. The scales are played from above on the duduk. So it's easier for beginner duduk players. So, supplying air to the cane, squeeze the first, nearest hole on the duduk tube with the upper phalanx of the left index finger. The sound will be lowered by one tone. Clamping the next, the second hole will reduce the sound by another tone, etc. Having mastered the scale, you can play arpeggios and the simplest melodies.
