How To Make A Jack Pumpkin Head

How To Make A Jack Pumpkin Head
How To Make A Jack Pumpkin Head

Halloween is a holiday that came to us from English-speaking countries. According to legend, Jack, who deceived the devil himself, is now forced to wander the earth, lighting his path with a candle in a pumpkin candlestick.

How to make a Jack pumpkin head - how to carve a pumpkin
How to make a Jack pumpkin head - how to carve a pumpkin

I must say that for this holiday you can make a lot of various crafts for decorating your home, souvenirs, even appropriately decorated dishes, but most people associate Halloween with a hollow pumpkin, in which a funny face is carved.

To make a pumpkin for Halloween decor with your own hands, a pumpkin itself, a sharp knife with a short blade, a large spoon (or scraper), an awl (or a thick needle), a small candle.

1. Wash and dry the pumpkin.

2. Cut off the top of the pumpkin, holding the knife slightly at an angle so that the cut piece is like the base of a small cone. The size of the resulting hole should not be much larger than your hand.

3. Remove the insides from the pumpkin (with a spoon, scraper, or simply by hand).

4. Select the template of the face you will cut, print it and place it on the side of the pumpkin. You can find many different templates on the Internet - from angry, intimidating faces to cute cats.


Please note that you need to increase or decrease the pattern depending on the size of the pumpkin you have.

5. Use an awl to pin the silhouette of each part of the template to make a dotted pattern on the pumpkin (perforation).

6. Use a sharp knife to cut the necessary parts along the contour.

7. Put a short candle inside and light it. Halloween pumpkin is ready!

to protect yourself from fire, do not use a candle, but any small battery-powered LED lamp (flashlight, simulated candle, etc.).


Of course, you can not limit your imagination in the drawings of the muzzles. I must say, you can find amazing works - craftsmen carve whole pictures on pumpkins.
