The key to successful piano playing is, of course, correct placement of your fingers on the keys. Moreover, learning this art takes a certain amount of time. Patience and perseverance will also be required from the student. But the result of such training will help him become a good pianist.

Step 1
If you want to learn how to place your fingers correctly on the piano keys, pay attention to how you sit. You need to sit strictly in the center of the instrument, so that the middle "C" is located opposite the abdomen. Do not lean close to the piano: there should be a distance between you and the sheet of music equal to the length of your outstretched arm. The hands themselves should be in a straight line to the keys.
Step 2
Be aware that the correct position of your hand on the keys can be worked out as follows. Bend your knee and place your palm on it, while slightly bending all your fingers, including the thumb. As a result, you should have a hemisphere with three corners around the joints. It is in this position that the hand and fingers should be when playing a musical instrument.
Step 3
Try to place your fingers near the black keys. After all, all novice pianists, as a rule, put their fingers on the very ends of the keys of the instrument. By the way, don't click on the tool. To determine which part of the hand and finger should be used, take a pencil with an eraser tip and lightly tap the eraser with your finger. In the same way, you should play the piano.
Step 4
Pay special attention to the setting of the thumb. To train her, do this exercise. Press the "Do" key with your middle finger, and the next "Re" key with your thumb. In this case, the thumb should be located directly under the middle one. With this positioning of the hand, you can see that the thumb should press the key sideways. This is how it should be played.