Numerology, not even being a science, has taken an important place in our life. There are many modern people who believe in the relationship of numbers with living people, their consciousness and destiny.
According to numerology, each person corresponds to a specific number, which carries its own meaning and influences the personality throughout life. To calculate your number, you need to express each letter as a number, add the resulting numbers together and get one number, which will be yours.

Step 1
Firstly, the name must be used not the one that is in your passport, but the one that your relatives and friends call you most often. For example, not Svetlana, but Sveta.
After that, use the generally accepted table, where each letter corresponds to a number:
1 - A, I, C, b; 2 - B, Y, T, Y; 3 - B, K, Y, b; 4 - G, L, F, E; 5 - D, M, X, Y; 6 - E, H, C, I; 7 - E, O, H; 8 - F, P, W; 9 - Z, R, Shch.
Step 2
After you reduce your number to elementary, you can figure out what your number says, whether it matches your character. Number 1 people are very impetuous, active, spontaneous, risky. They love extreme, self-confident. The word artisan is more suitable for them than poet. With the number 2, reserved, depressed people are combined. A trifle can drive them to despair, and another trifle can immediately pull them out of this state. The deuce is changeable and emotional.
Step 3
Number 3 includes people with hidden talents, in ordinary life this manifests itself in creative activity, in unusual addictions and hobbies, if such a person directs his abilities in the right direction, then something very useful to society can turn out.
Step 4
The number 4 speaks of the achievements of the individual in the field of science and technology. Such people are stable, purposeful, conscientious and responsible. Best of all, his qualities are manifested in an extraordinary situation.
The number 5 is associated with spiritual freedom and independence. For such people, their own experience is more important, hardening when experiencing various difficulties, they love to travel.
Step 5
Sixes lead the masses, fans and followers. Their main goal is to gain credibility among the people, to do everything publicly, to help people and to do good deeds.
For that, people with the number 7 in their name really want to direct their spirituality into art, religion and culture. They constantly analyze their actions, draw conclusions and truly learn from their own and others' mistakes.
The number 8 is more likely associated with money, material goods. The ability to lead cannot be taken away from such people. It is much more difficult for them to do something than to find a person who will do it for them.
Step 6
And the last number - 9. Such people can achieve a lot in any field of activity due to their determination and grasp, but sometimes their pettiness and greed can ruin all their fruits.
Sometimes the number 0 still falls out. It is believed that in this case, a person's character adapts to the environment so much that in any case he will achieve his goal, achieve his goals in life, and complete tasks. 0 is considered a very lucky number.