Numerology Of An Apartment: A Short Interpretation Of Numbers

Numerology Of An Apartment: A Short Interpretation Of Numbers
Numerology Of An Apartment: A Short Interpretation Of Numbers

Particular importance was attached to numbers in ancient China and Greece. This knowledge reached the person unchanged. If you think about it, you can calculate your life completely, since it mostly consists of digital values. They began to pay attention to the apartment number recently, when the Chinese doctrine of Feng Shui entered Russian life.

Numerology of an apartment: a short interpretation of numbers
Numerology of an apartment: a short interpretation of numbers

Numerology of an apartment: a short interpretation of numbers

An apartment is a person's main place of residence, his sacred space. Therefore, it is important to understand what kind of energy this space carries, and how the numerical value affects it. It is better to calculate the number of your house before moving. It is also important that the number matches your individual license plate. Then harmony will always reign in your home. It is very easy to calculate the apartment number. It is enough to add up all the numbers until you get a single number. For example, apartment number 69 is calculated as follows: 6 + 9 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6. That is, your apartment number is 6.

The meaning of the apartment number

If the number of your apartment is one, you just need to start your own business. A person living in a unit's premises has excellent intuition. This figure will help your owner to be more courageous and honest. Often a person feels lonely in such an apartment, because sometimes he has to solve problems on his own. If you are addicted to something, the number one house will not work for you.

An apartment with a number of two is a place for two people. Two expresses harmony, peace and understanding. You will strive to understand everyone, not to arrange conflicts, to listen to the opinions of others. All energy is directed to the development of mental and intuitive abilities. To create a strong family, a deuce is ideal. One cannot live in such an apartment, it can have a bad effect on health.

An apartment with a number of three is perhaps the most comfortable option for living. This is a place where you will communicate a lot, expand your outlook on life and set priorities. Troika has in its meaning the ability to interact and understand people living in the same apartment. A woman may feel more attractive to a man. Any parties and holidays will be perfect here. Sexual and spiritual energy is the main quality of the number three.

The number four gives stability and solidity in life. If a person is naturally insecure and shy, he needs to move. The four requires order and organization, as well as economy in everything. It is better to live in an apartment with a number of four for a group of people united by a common idea or dream. You will feel tired sometimes, so learn to relax. The House of Four is a home for workaholics.

The number five is the center of active people. Life under this sign is oversaturated with events, people, emotions. The five develops ingenuity in a person, the ability to quickly find the necessary information, and stimulates connections. The constant movement of energy in different directions is characteristic of this number. In such an apartment you will not be bored. A person who lives in an apartment under the sign of the five has a special magnetism.

The six will become the center of harmony and balance for you. An ideal place for a family with children. Living in such an apartment evokes a sense of duty to loved ones, a desire to help other people. Creative active personalities live under the sign of the six. Comfort and material wealth are the main signs of a number. However, it is possible that a feeling of imbalance may arise due to the fact that an excess of kindness and care for others can disrupt the energy balance at home.

If you bought an apartment with the number seven, you can only rejoice. The number seven helps to recuperate, rest, retire from problems and troubles. This place is suitable for people who prefer to be alone and analyze life. The main tenants of the apartment with the number seven are philosophers, psychics, people of mental labor. On the other hand, the seven does not provide an opportunity to achieve material wealth and success. The spiritual principle prevails in the number seven over the material.

Living in an apartment number eight will promote abundance in all walks of life. The eight helps to develop organizational skills, improve well-being, and gain recognition in society. Powerful people who love money and success live in such an apartment. Such an apartment is not suitable for people who do not know how to reasonably distribute income. Only tough self-discipline and control of your life will contribute to a comfortable life in an apartment with a number of eight.

The number nine enhances your compassion and love for your neighbor. In such an apartment, you will become more wise and discerning, learn to understand other people perfectly. Nine is supportive of people with intuition, dreamy natures, spiritually developed personalities. However, altruists should not live in such an apartment, as there is a possibility that you will completely immerse yourself in the problems of other people.
