What Is The Meaning Of Numbers In Numerology

What Is The Meaning Of Numbers In Numerology
What Is The Meaning Of Numbers In Numerology

Pythagoras, the great ancient Greek, was known not only as a great mathematician, but also as the founder of numerology, the science of numbers, which does not so much study the numbers themselves, but describe their symbolic meaning.

What is the meaning of numbers in numerology
What is the meaning of numbers in numerology

The basis of numerology is a digital series, numbers from 1 to 9.

The number 0 in some interpretations is considered as a sign of predetermination, in some it is not considered at all.

The symbolic meaning of more complex numbers can be understood by analyzing the numbers, their components, adding these numbers and getting the same simple ones as a result. Thus, in order to understand the symbolic meaning of any number, it is necessary to become familiar with the meanings of numbers from one to nine.

More complex numbers are interpreted by numerologists based on the meanings of simple ones.

Number 1

A unit is a number that was invented for counting. It means wholeness, unity, unity. It is a beginning, something aimed at a specific result. Potential, which can develop, and maybe freeze.

Number 2

In a symbolic sense, two is not that much different from one. This is a symbol of the duality of everything that surrounds us: good and evil, light and darkness, yin and yang. The deuce is a symbol of interaction, participation in something as part of the whole, without striving for a certain result.

Number 3

Three is the most dynamic number in a number series. It means a strong-willed impulse, the beginning of changes, denotes the actions of a force that is not subject to man, but very powerful - just remember the trinity of God. This is the number of innovations, changes, both in the material and in the spiritual spheres.

Number 4

This number opens a series of "human", "earthly" numbers. Four is a symbol of stability, resilience, unwillingness and impossibility of change. This is a sign of the closedness of space (four walls, four cardinal points) and a time cycle (four seasons, times of day - again 4).

Number 5

In terms of its meaning, the five is close to the three, with the difference that it has "human" qualities. Here, too, there is a striving for change, but this striving is more meaningful, spiritualized, less spontaneous, more orderly. Five is a symbol of creativity, imagination, spontaneity and freedom.

Number 6

Six is the last in a series of "human" numerological symbols. Six is the relationship between the whole and its parts. The six gives structure and order. Water crystals have six rays, there are six continents and gears in the mechanism. It is a symbol of hard work, service, realism and practicality.

Number 7

Seven is a number that limits human perception. There are seven wonders of the world, seven shades of the spectrum, seven days of the week, seven notes. This number means that which is beyond the earthly, something otherworldly, inaccessible to the mortal mind. Seven in the human mind is a powerful, magical, but frightening number.

Number 8

Eight is a sign of eternal changes and the cyclical nature of the universe. It is no coincidence that the wheel of Samsara has 8 spokes, and the infinity sign resembles an eight, "laid" on its side. These are the higher forces, the laws of nature, which interfere in the life of a person, but the person himself is a part of these forces.

Number 9

Nine closes the number series and means rebirth, a transition to a new quality, to a new level of being and consciousness, a symbol of wisdom, sacrifice or insight. The nine ends one cycle and marks the transition to a new one.