To catch rotan, you must use special fishing methods and the correct bait. Rotan is a real delicacy for fishermen. Such fried fish is tastier than crucian carp and has few bones, besides, the process of cleaning rotan is not particularly difficult.

Rotan bites both at night and during the day. When removing fish from the hook, it is best to use an extractor to protect your hands from injury. Rotan bite is phlegmatic. The fish moves the tackle quietly and unhurriedly, and then drags it to the side.
Fishing with a light rod
Best of all, rotan can be caught with a light fishing rod with a nod at the end or with a float and a jig on the line. Jigs and lures are especially attractive for Far Eastern Amur sleeper. When fishing with such a rod, a fifth size hook with an elongated forend is used in order to make it easier to attach the bait. It is necessary to hook the rotan at the first sign, otherwise it will swallow the hook deeply, and it will be problematic to pull it out.
Open water fishing
In open water, when fishing, a rod with a length of 3-7 meters is used. The rod should be of telescopic type, without rings. The optimal section of the forest is 0, 14 cm, and the diameter of the leash is 0, 12 cm. The float for rotan should be used with a weight of about 0, 5-1, 5 grams. In open water, rotan should be caught with a tungsten or metal jig, not a hook.
Spinning with a mini jig
When fishing with a spinning rod, a lot depends on the bait. If she is interested in rotan, he will swallow it. For these purposes, a mini-jig is used, which is located a little further from the place of deployment of the rotan. After that, they begin to drag the tackle in wave-like movements. The bait should swim at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the fish in order to provide the fisherman with an active bite. The fish first rushes to attack, and then stops. You should not be upset, tk. rotan takes the bait from the second or third casting attempt. This method is called aim fishing. It is used in clear water with good viewing conditions.
Catching with wacky worm and drop shot methods
When fishing with a spinning rod, the wacky worm method is sometimes used. This method involves catching a rotan with a plastic worm, which is attached to the middle of the hook. The bite occurs mainly when the gear is immersed. The size of the worm should be less than 6 inches. Another spinning fishing method is drop shot. The sinker for such fishing is placed at the end of the fishing line, and the bait is hooked half a meter above it.
Rotan bait
When catching rotan on a hook, fresh animal baits are used, which include mollusc, worm, maggot, bacon ribbons, caddis flies, crustaceans, bloodworms, and pieces of animal meat. To catch a large rotan, it is best to use bloodworms. Rotan takes vegetable bait only when there is poor feed in the reservoir. Moving baits - jigs and small wobblers - are very interesting for rotan.