Ide is a famous fish. Various devices are usually used to catch it. Fishermen have to disguise themselves as the ide is a very wary fish.

The ide belongs to the carp family. Its length reaches 75 cm, and it can weigh up to 8 kg. This fish lives in the northern part of Russia. It mainly prefers to swim near the coast under overhanging trees.
Ide chooses deep places with a silty-clay bottom. Juveniles live in flocks, sometimes entering small and grassy places. In winter, ides lead an active lifestyle, only during severe frosts they lie on the bottom.
In spring and autumn, ide is caught with an earthworm. And in the summer - on various insects.
A fishing rod is used to fish in water with a weak current. The bite of this fish is very decisive. When fishing from the shore, the rod must be longer for long-range throws.
Also, for catching ides, a bottom fishing rod with a reel is used. The line is connected to a sinker. The worm is put on a hook so that it wriggles. Then they throw it over a long distance.
Ide can see and hear very well. Therefore, many anglers go into the river knee-deep so that the shadow does not fall on the water. A trapped ide should not be pulled out very abruptly, as its lips are weak and it may break off.