Which Stone Strengthens Venus

Which Stone Strengthens Venus
Which Stone Strengthens Venus

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The planet Venus is named after the Roman goddess of beauty, grace, grace and femininity. If a person has weak Venus in the horoscope, he will lack these qualities in life.

Which stone enhances Venus
Which stone enhances Venus


Step 1

The main symptom of Venus' weakness is a lack of charm, grace, taste, beauty, and sophistication. People with a weakened Venus are usually rude, impolite, vulgar and aggressive. In this case, a man has difficulties in relationships with women, usually his girlfriend or wife suffers from this. Women with a weakened Venus do not feel femininity in themselves, cannot find happiness in a relationship. It is usually difficult for people with such problems to express their feelings.

Step 2

At the physiological level, the weakness of Venus is expressed in dysfunctions of the genitals (impotence or infertility) and kidneys. Most often, the weakness of this planet affects the state of the bone and immune systems.

Step 3

Venus becomes the weakest of all, passing the constellation Virgo, at this time you need to pay as much attention as possible to protecting your personal life. The signs of the zodiac, for which she is the patron saint, are especially susceptible to the weakening of Venus. First of all, this applies to Taurus and Libra.

Step 4

The main strengthening stone of Venus is considered to be a diamond (or a cut diamond). This pure, flawless stone is considered a symbol of love and fidelity. It cleanses the energy field, helps harmonize the chakras and enhances the presence and influence of Venus in life. It is advisable to set this stone in gold, this multiplies its positive properties. For representatives of the fire and air elements, it is better to choose white gold for the frame, for water and earth signs - red or yellow. The larger and cleaner the stone, the more pronounced its properties.

Step 5

Large transparent zircon, quartz crystal or white sapphire can become a substitute for a diamond. These stones are best used as pendants and pendants, and it is worth choosing jewelry whose design allows the stone to touch naked skin. This allows the minerals to better tune in to the host's energy field. White sapphire is suitable for representatives of the element of fire, zircon for representatives of water and air, and quartz crystal for earth signs.

Step 6

To enhance the effect of the stones, they should be worn for the first time on Friday. On this day, the Venusian energies are especially strong, so the jewelry you choose will immediately begin to work in full force.

Step 7

If you feel an excess of the energy of Venus in yourself, refuse stones that enhance its influence. Too strong Venus is indirectly said by such things as hypersexuality, attachment to sensual pleasures (especially food) and material things.
