People born under the sign of Taurus are kind, decent, but sometimes overly conservative. In addition, it is extremely difficult to persuade them, even if you give irrefutable arguments. As for personal relationships, Taurus most often choose partners for themselves, born under the signs of Water and Earth. It is with these people that they feel as comfortable as possible.

It is necessary
- - star card;
- - information about the motion of the planets;
- - protractor.
Step 1
Create an individual horoscope for your Taurus. How to tame your chosen one directly depends on the signs in which the main ruling planets were - Mars, Venus and the Moon. In order to do this, you will need a map with the location of the stars at the time of his birth, as well as a protractor so that you can correctly determine the degrees.
Step 2
Determine the position of Mars. In an unfavorable scenario, your Taurus will be aggressive, even belligerent. To tame him, you should be patient, give in in many ways, almost always compromise and moderate your "appetites" as much as possible in the part that concerns your life without him. The favorable position of this planet endows a person with a peacekeeping mission, he cannot stand quarrels, he is annoyed by partners of a bitchy or hysterical type. Be as correct as possible with him and with his loved ones, then, perhaps, he will behave with you as "tame".
Step 3
See in which constellation and in what degree Venus is. Firstly, this is the ruling planet of Taurus, it largely determines his life path. Secondly, this planet is responsible for the sphere of feelings, therefore, in the difficult task of domestication it plays an important role. When Venus is in a favorable position (for example, in the fertile signs of Earth and Water), she endows Taurus with sensuality, temperament, and the desire to make her loved one happy. The unfavorable position of Venus at the time of birth may turn out to be a "gift from an evil fairy." For men, this practically guarantees a somewhat perverse sexuality, pathological attachment to the opposite sex, and sometimes deceit in feelings and relationships. Women with "bad" Venus behave in a similar way, but still more attached to the house.
Step 4
Analyze the position of the moon. Taurus, born in minutes when she was in a favorable position, from the very moment of birth, are endowed with a mass of talents. They, as a rule, are attracted to people of a creative orientation. Such Taurus need to be proud of their chosen one, in every possible way to encourage him to be creative. They will not tolerate too "earthly" partners. The unfavorable position of the Moon at the time of the birth of Taurus can bring hysteria, unnecessaryness, and frequent mood swings into his character. It is very difficult to live with such a person (although the opposite sex is drawn to him). Think a hundred times before taming such a Taurus …