How To Tame An Animal In Minecraft

How To Tame An Animal In Minecraft
How To Tame An Animal In Minecraft

Animals in Minecraft are loyal friends and house guards, so Minecraft lovers have probably thought about having a pet more than once. This process is far from being as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Animals are tamed in much the same way as in real life - that is, you just need to think logically.

How to tame an animal in Minecraft
How to tame an animal in Minecraft

How to tame a cat?

A wild cat, that is, an ocelot can be the best pet animal for you. What will be attractive to a cat? An excellent option here would be a fish caught in a reservoir. Catch 5-10 fish for one ocelot. Going in search, remember that wild cats live mainly in the steppes. As soon as you spot the animal, you don't need to run towards it - carefully approach it or just stand still until the ocelot itself approaches.

Then give him the fish. If it didn't work out the first time, don't be discouraged - you will have many more attempts left. After the ocelot is tamed, a red collar will appear on it. If you have installed the mod on furniture, it can doze on the couch.

How to tame a wolf?

A wild dog will be called a wolf. Since wolves love bones, the best way to tame a wolf is to give it some bones. In order to get bones, it is enough just to hunt skeletons at night. Having typed, as for the ocelot, 5-10 bones for one dog, go to look for the wolf. You can find it by scattered sheep's wool after a hearty wolf meal, or by the sound when the wolf shakes off the spray. As soon as you find the animal, carefully approach it closer and right-click on it. If the taming is successful, then the wolf will have a red collar.

The wolf is a useful acquisition, because it can protect you from the invasion of wild animals, and it will always be your faithful ally in the fight against your enemies. Remember to feed your animal raw meat from time to time.

How to tame a cow?

Cows are domestic animals, so there shouldn't be much difficulty in taming them. To tame them, you need to lure them into the corral by picking up wheat. After they are in the corral, you should quickly close the car. If you feed the cows with wheat, they will soon bring you offspring. Remember to equip your paddock with green grass, wheat, and a small pond.

How to tame a pig?

Since pigs feast on carrots, the best option to tame them is to give them some carrots. Take plenty of carrots with you and go looking for pigs.

How to tame a chicken?

Nothing new can be said here - take wheat, pumpkin or watermelon seeds with you and go in search of chicken. They can be found almost everywhere, but most often they live near water. It is worth noting that the chicken will have to be propagated only with the help of wheat seeds.

How to tame a horse?

If you are tired of chickens and cows, and you want to tame a noble animal - nothing is impossible! To tame a horse, there are two reliable ways: either sit on it repeatedly, but in this case, you will need a saddle and an inexhaustible supply of patience, or you should simply feed it. Can be fed with bread, but apple is best.

How to train your dragon?

Are you looking for something truly exotic? For example, have a house dragon? So it's time to move on to the most curious taming.

It is worth noting that in order to tame enemy mobs, you should install the Mo'Creatures mod. Have you installed it? Forward to the cause!

The process of training a dragon comes down to riding it. But first, you need to call it. To do this, enter the command / dragon into the game chat. This pleasure will cost you 7,500 gold coins. After you have summoned the dragon, find it in the game world: for this you just need to enter the command / dragon locate and follow the direction indicated by the arrow. As soon as you find the dragon, enter the command / dragon, thereby settling it.
