How To Tame An Aries

How To Tame An Aries
How To Tame An Aries

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Men born under the sign of Aries, according to the convictions of astrologers, are one of the most passionate lovers. They are ruled by Mars, which brings the spirit of rivalry, struggle to the character of the man-Aries. It is not so difficult to win the heart of an Aries, since by its temperament it is a very loving sign, but not every girl can tame such a man for a long time.

Not every girl will be able to tame a ram, but only one who will always be a mystery to him
Not every girl will be able to tame a ram, but only one who will always be a mystery to him


Step 1

Be mysterious and inaccessible! The Aries man is an eternal conqueror, it is in his blood. This is a hunter who is attracted by the very process of disarming the victim. The more difficult it is for a ram to conquer a woman's heart, the more he is attracted to a woman. Aries is ready for anything, caring for a woman who is not indifferent to him. Your task is always to remain a mystery to the ram.

Step 2

Encourage the ram's pride! To tame a ram man for a long time, you should praise him, please his pride. Men of this sign love to be admired, as they consider themselves the best in everything. Do not be afraid to over praise the rams, because they rejoice in praise like children.

Step 3

Be sexy! Sexually, these men are very passionate, you can say that they have a constant sexual hunger. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that an Aries can bring you to exhaustion in bed. In bed, an Aries also loves to be praised. Aries' chosen one should always be sexually attractive to him, she should beckon him, so pay more attention to your appearance, smell, makeup and, of course, underwear.

Step 4

Do not bend! In order not to bore the Aries man, do not lose your head and do not yield to all his desires. Love and value yourself, put your interests at the proper level. Aries man is able to suppress a woman because of his selfish inclinations, but after that she will become deeply uninteresting to him. Consider yourself the best party for the Aries man, then he will also consider you his ideal and stop looking for new ideals on the side.

Step 5

Do not push the ram to marriage! The Aries man is most afraid of hasty family ties. This may even push him away from his girlfriend. Let the relationship develop gradually, the Aries man himself must decide to start a family. And then the marriage will really do him good - he will settle down, will be a good husband and father. By the way, almost all rams dream of a big family and children.
