More recently, almost all clothing, simple and complex, as well as raw materials for it, were made by hand. There are many varieties of wool from which yarn is made, the best of them - with a lot of silky and elastic fibers.

Step 1
Take all the wool you have and clean up any visible debris. Wash it in warm water and dry it, separate the lumps that stick together. Now you need to disassemble the wool so that all the hairs of the wool take the same direction. To do this, you can take a comb with large teeth and secure it with the teeth up. Put small pieces of wool on the teeth of the comb, then spread your arms in different directions. Each piece must be passed through the comb 7 times, then all the fibers will take the same direction. The wool combed in this way is called a tow. If you do not spin wool all the time and you do not have a special device - a spinning wheel, then spin using the simplest method - using a wooden spindle.
Step 2
When all the wool is disassembled, it must be intercepted with a harsh thread so that it does not crumble when moving. Fasten the tow on the back of the chair, and place the back of the chair to your left. Prepare the spindle, put it in your right hand. With three fingers of your left hand, pull out a strip of wool 0.5 cm wide by 2 cm and twist the thread at the top of the spindle, which is called the toe. With your right hand, rotate the spindle strictly clockwise, there should be about six revolutions.
Step 3
Repeat the above steps until the length of the thread reaches 1 meter. Feel free to wind the finished thread on the lower part of the spindle, which is called the heel. To prevent the spun yarn from falling off the spindle, tie a slip knot at the toe. Such a knot is made by turning the thread clockwise and the resulting loop is put on the spindle toe. Try to do everything so neatly that the spun thread has the same thickness. Continue spinning in the same steps until you run out of yarn. For convenience, wind the finished spun thread in a ball.