Snood, otherwise called a tube scarf and a collar scarf, is a scarf without beginning or end. It is also a practical, warm, fashionable and comfortable accessory. The huge variety of models gives you a wide range of choices. Snood is able to complement any look - from restrained office to airy romantic.

Snood story
Snoods have been known for a very long time. Even in the Middle Ages, there is a mention of it. Then snuds were called nets, under which the Englishwomen hid their hair. And in Scotland, snuds were called ribbons that unmarried girls weaved into braids.
Snoods returned to fashion in the mid-19th century. Then they were made from very thin threads, trying to make them almost invisible.
In our country, these scarves in their current version appeared in the 80s of the 20th century and were called "hood". They quickly won love for being bright, comfortable and practical.
Scarves-collars won a special affection among winter sports fans and motorcyclists, since they reliably covered not only the head, but also the neck and did not slip off at the same time.
How to tie snood
Before you start knitting snood, you need to solve a number of issues: material, color, length and width of the future product.
The scarf can be knitted from wool, boucle, cashmere. For the cold season, it is best to choose a model knitted with a large, bulky knit.
When choosing the color of the yarn for the future snood, you should adhere to moderation. The scarf should not distract attention from the main clothes, but should only place color accents.
Snoods made of yarn in white, gray and dark green shades are well suited to the casual style.
If you need to add extravagance along with, you should choose burgundy and black yarn for snood.
After choosing the color and material of the thread, you need to decide what length and width the snood will be. To solve this issue, it is necessary to decide how many times it will wrap around the neck, will it be worn only as a scarf, or it will also be thrown over the head. If the snood is planned as a decorative element, it should be narrow and long. If it is to be a practical element, its width must be at least 35 cm.
After solving these questions, you need to choose a snood model. This can be a smooth knit made with a simple elastic band, or a model made of separate elements. In addition, the product can be knitted in a circle, that is, without seams, or it can be made of two halves, which then need to be sewn together.
Depending on the model chosen, tools for knitting are also selected: knitting needles, circular knitting needles, a hook, a fork.
As with knitting any other product, a pattern is pre-knitted that corresponds to the selected pattern. Based on the sample, adjustments are made: the diameter of the needles or the hook, the density of the knit.
Based on the results of the adjustments made, the product is knitted.
The simplest snood that can be recommended for beginners is knitted on circular knitting needles with a Polish elastic band. The easiest way to find knitting needles and yarn is to compare the thickness of the thread and knitting needle. They should be roughly the same. The knitting is performed as follows: the number of loops is multiple of four on the knitting needles. For example, for a scarf with a length of 1.5 meters, you need to dial 108 loops. The first row is knitted by alternating 2 front and two purl loops. The second row is executed as follows: one purl, two front, two purl, one front. And so - to the end of the row. The third row is a repetition of the first. The product is knitted to the desired length, then the last row is closed. Since this snood is knitted on circular knitting needles, no additional action is required. You just need to hide the cut thread.