A son's birthday is a troublesome business. You need to buy a gift, organize a reception, come up with an entertainment program, prepare a treat. And, of course, prepare a congratulatory speech. Fantasy, ingenuity and the following tips will help make your congratulations original and memorable.

Step 1
Find a bright greeting card. You can use postcards with ready-made text that is suitable in meaning and content for your child. But self-composed words, mentioning personal moments concerning your child in the text will be more soulful and touching. Poems, of course, are optional. Inexperienced or standard rhymes, few people are able to evoke positive emotions. For an older son, write with humor, for this you can paraphrase well-known poems, songs, fables, and so on that are suitable in meaning.
Step 2
Prepare a surprise for the hero of the occasion, try to set it up in a positive way already in the morning, because a birthday, as you know, happens only once a year. For example, while he is sleeping, decorate the apartment or at least his room with balloons, serpentine roads, greeting posters with themed content. In the morning, there will be no limit to the surprise and delight of the little son.
Step 3
Start your congratulations from the very awakening of the birthday man. After all, as a rule, children remember about the holidays long before their onset and are looking forward to gifts. Therefore, do not postpone the delivery of them until the arrival of the guests, but give them, if possible, in the morning, before the son goes to kindergarten or school.
Step 4
Order a congratulation at the radio station, while knowing in advance at what time it will sound on the air. Your favorite song, personally started by the DJ of a famous radio channel, will also please the birthday boy.
Step 5
Organize a holiday menu at home, even if the main event is in a restaurant or cafe. Be sure to bake or order a birthday cake at the bakery. Ideally, the cake should match your child's culinary tastes, contain a personalized inscription and have banal, but so hotly loved by everyone, blowing out of which guarantees the fulfillment of desires.