On the eve of the spring holiday, the question of how to congratulate women on March 8 in an original and humorous manner is always relevant. An excellent solution - wishes in verse, appropriate at a corporate party, family celebration, romantic evening with your beloved. A few beautiful rhymed lines will make a good SMS greeting. Even if you don’t know how to compose verses, you can find a suitable text in books or on the Internet: not "hackneyed", suitable for a specific moment.

How to congratulate colleagues on March 8
If the corporate celebration of the women's holiday takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, the program involves entertainment and pleasant gatherings at the table, humorous toasts on March 8 will come in handy. Save them for the informal part of the corporate party. Choose lines that cause a slight smile - caustic satire and outright obscenity are inappropriate here.
For those I raise my glass, Who gives us love and tenderness, Whose gender
There is no doubt about it.
For those who enter the burning house
Under the cry of firefighters and passers-by
And stops the horse
But very cute and graceful.
The head of the ladies' team will not drop his authority at all if he allows himself to joke in a relaxed atmosphere and congratulate women on March 8 in an original way and with humor. To do this, you need to pick up funny poetic lines that will not offend anyone personally.
Smoking room, talking about hockey -
Your democracy is not for me.
I have the honor to work in the flower garden, That is decorated with capricious roses.
Maneuvering between sharp thorns, Sometimes I don't have time to dodge
But I mentally enjoy you
And you don't let me suffocate.

SMS greetings from March 8
Short funny congratulations for March 8 in verses that can be sent in an SMS message are an excellent solution if a beautiful lady has a sense of humor and loves non-trivial lines. Such a quatrain is suitable for a wife, mother, eldest daughter, another hero of the occasion, your friend.
The attic, warmed by March, flows
And the cats squeal on it.
Love, health and passion!
Happy International Women's Day!
The question of how to congratulate a girl on March 8, everyone decides, depending on their financial capabilities and the preferences of the lady of the heart. But no matter what gift you choose, it will always be pleasant for the gifted to receive specially selected poetic lines in addition to it. Speaking about your love, it is not at all necessary to be original, the main thing is that the congratulations are from the heart.
March is frolicking and the sun is shining
Tickles with a bright ray.
There are so many girls in the world
And I got the best!
If you yourself compose congratulations for March 8 in verses for your beloved, even if the lines are a little "clumsy", she will surely appreciate your efforts. Add a fresh touch of romance to your relationship!