Social and technical progress pushes folk art to the sidelines. Including songs. Comprehensive measures are being taken to preserve the traditions of their ancestors. Popular Azerbaijani singer Mahabbat Kazimov performed only folk songs.

A distant start
Old songs in a modern arrangement sound good. However, they lose some flavor and spiritual component. Makhabbat Kazimov listened to songs performed by his grandfather and memorized them. The boy was born on July 2, 1953 in a peasant family. Parents and close relatives lived in the mountain village of Chorman. The child was raised from an early age as the future head of the family. He was trained in field work and housing construction.
Mahabbat's vocal abilities began to show early. He listened attentively to melodies and tunes that were performed on simple instruments. He remembered well the content of the songs and performed them superbly. The Kazymovs had the most popular folk instruments in the house - saz and tar. The boy liked to accompany himself on one of them, when he was asked to perform a song. Relatives highly appreciated the talent of their young singer and strongly advised him to get a musical education.
On the professional stage
After some hesitation and doubt, Mahabbat went to Baku and entered the famous music school named after Asaf Zeynalli. Almost all famous singers and musicians of Azerbaijan were trained within the walls of this educational institution. Students mastered not only musical literacy. Future performers and composers were given lectures on the history of culture. About the origin of traditions and the creation of musical instruments.
In 1976, Kazimov completed his studies and began performing on the professional stage. Gradually gaining stage experience, the singer continued to improve the technique of his performances. The audience, for the most part, warmly received him in any setting. After the collapse of the USSR, great opportunities opened up for foreign tours. As part of the Dan Uldzu folk song ensemble, Mahabbat performed in Iran and Turkey, Russia and the Czech Republic.
Essays on personal life
The work of Mahabbat Kazimov has unique features. A performer of this magnitude has not yet appeared in neighboring countries. He basically sang only folk songs. He knew almost all the texts by heart. The singer was a true patriot of his country. He went with concerts to hot spots, where people needed moral support.
There are no secrets in the singer's personal life. Kazimov got married late, at the age of 37. The husband and wife raised and raised three children. In 2012, the singer was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of Azerbaijan". More than fifty author's albums remained as a creative legacy for posterity. The singer died in January 2014 of a heart attack.