In the age of high technologies it has long been known that our world consists of the smallest details and subtle matters, and everyone wants to penetrate this extraordinary microcosm with at least one eye.
Fortunately, each of us has such an opportunity. Within the laboratory of any of the scientific centers, or at home using a less professional microscope, you can look at a cut of a plant, or examine bacteria on your own palms.

It is necessary
Before plunging into this boundless world, you need to remember a few simple rules, which are given below
Step 1
In order not to get injured and not to damage the device, the use of the microscope is allowed only in a sitting position, moreover, on a hard chair. In laboratories, the use of even wheelchairs is not allowed to prevent injury to the eyes.
Step 2
Then we clean the optical part of the microscope from dust and fix it in the position we need. Next, you need to open the diaphragm and condenser. It is impossible to tilt the microscope on its side, since the fine adjustment of the mirrors in it does not tolerate sudden movements.
Step 3
We start the research with a small increase and gradually build it up. It is necessary to constantly monitor that the distance between the microscope optics and the specimen is no more than 5 mm. You also need to take care of the correct lighting, the beam of light must hit the eyepiece. When changing lenses, be sure to take care of the lighting again.
Step 4
It is necessary to rotate the coarse aiming screw smoothly in order to prevent scratches in the optical device of the microscope, and during work give the eyes a rest, do gymnastics for the eyes.
Step 5
After completing work with the microscope, it is imperative to remove the preparation, wipe the microscope stage, as well as its body, and remove it by placing it in polyethylene to protect it from dust.