How Can Peacock Feathers Be Used?

How Can Peacock Feathers Be Used?
How Can Peacock Feathers Be Used?

Peacock feathers can be used as wedding paraphernalia and home decor. Since ancient times, the feathers of this bird have been used in magic rituals for love spells and pointing the "evil eye".

Peacock feathers
Peacock feathers

Peacock feathers have attracted with their beauty since ancient times. Medieval women of fashion adorned their hats, and "witches" and "sorcerers" used them in their magical rites. In many countries of the world, the peacock was considered a divine and immortal bird. He personified pride, beauty, fearlessness and wisdom.

How is this attribute used for wedding and home decoration

Many of today's brides and grooms plan their wedding in the style of "peacock feather", using the pattern from the luxurious tail of this bird as decoration for the walls of the hall, tables, wedding dress, hairstyle and even cake. An invitation card made on paper decorated with a peacock feather will look original and non-trivial. You can order the corresponding painting of glasses and glasses-candlesticks indicating the table number. The image of the groom should also match the peacock theme. The ideal solution would be a peacock tie or a small feather pinned to the lapel of your jacket.

Original creative people, who do not tolerate standards and routine, often decorate their home in a peacock style. In this case, it is not at all necessary to put a vase in every corner with the feathers of this bird, you can find wallpaper with a corresponding pattern or choose such a color for furniture and accessories: cushions, bed linen, a lamp, a picture, and so on.

If the owner of the house wants to arrange his home in Feng Shui, then he needs to know that in this teaching the peacock is used to activate the zone of career and fame. Therefore, those who dream of career growth should take care of purchasing a peacock figurine in advance and put it in the career zone. And if fame, recognition and honors are in the first place, then the bird should be placed in the glory sector. And it doesn't matter what material the figure will be made of: gold or plasticine and paper, the effect will be the same.

How the feathers of this bird are used in magic

Peacock feathers are also widely used in magic. With their help, they bewitched and sent spoilage. Many believed that the drawing in the form of an eye was the personification of the evil eye - the one that everyone feared so much. But it is precisely this property that has now begun to be interpreted in a different way: it is believed that a peacock's feather attached to clothing wards the “evil eye” and protects the one who wears it. Maybe that's why weddings in this style have become so popular: this is how newlyweds protect themselves from envious people. In any case, if there is a desire to purchase peacock feathers, you need to choose those that have a more contoured pattern and a wider range of iridescent colors, and most importantly, they should be taken from a living bird. It is not recommended to keep a stuffed peacock in the house.