Ladies Invite Cavaliers is a Soviet lyrical comedy about a young woman in search of happiness. The heroine of the film goes to a resort to find herself a life partner.

general information
The Soviet lyric comedy Ladies Invite Gentlemen was based on the story Cafe Kanava, written by Lev Slavin in 1980. The film was directed by 35-year-old Ivan Kiasashvili, for whom this film became his career debut.
The film "Ladies Invite Cavaliers" tells about the difficult fate of Anya Pozdnyakova, played by Marina Neyelova. This is a romantic story about a girl who has had no luck on her personal front for a very long time. From the outside it may seem that Anya lives very well, but she herself does not think so. She is not waiting for a prince, this is not for her. The main character dreams of how an ordinary person will be next to her, a man who can always be relied on.
A little about the plot
Anya is a beautiful, prominent woman, kind, smart, but she just can't get married. And even someone who was a potential candidate was somehow accidentally taken away by her best friend. The ultimate dream for Ani is a quiet life with her beloved husband and children; she believes she was made to do just that. She is strong, patient, she can endure and forgive a lot. Only one thing is beyond her strength: without love, affection and understanding, Anya cannot live a day.
Anya is a pretty girl with a kind heart and soul, she tries and tries, but does not find herself a life partner in her small hometown. The heroine is already tired of just sitting and waiting for someone to appear in her life, and finally takes her own hand. Therefore, at one point she decides to write a vacation application at her own expense and immediately goes to rest at one of the Caucasian resorts. Anya heads closer to the violent sea, where the air itself is saturated with romance. Anya is full of experiences and dreams, the main character pinned so many hopes on this vacation: maybe it is here that a romantic meeting with the one and only one awaits.
Now the girl is desperately looking for her lucky ticket herself. There she will definitely find her destiny. After all, if you are looking, you will definitely find it, which means that you need to search harder and more thoroughly, and the cherished is already somewhere very close or just waiting for her around the next turn of the street. But before she meets her lover, she has to go through many sad and at the same time funny adventures.
And in the end, Anya still finds her love in a person who, in fact, is as bad as she is.