If in ancient times every woman had a spinning wheel, and every woman knew how to use it, and spinning wool was an integral part of the household, today a rare woman is interested in spinning, and the spinning wheel has become a museum exhibit. Nevertheless, if you wish, you can easily master the simple technique of spinning a strong thread from any wool that any girl previously owned.

Step 1
Prepare the wool for work before spinning. Disassemble it and sort by thickness and color, pick out the debris by placing the wool on a wooden grate and hitting it with a taut string. Comb the coat with a special brush, combing over tangled and difficult areas two or more times. Brush the coat in small portions to make it easier to handle the entire coat in a short amount of time.
Step 2
Take a long spindle when the coat is ready. Sit in a comfortable position and draw a small amount of combed wool into your left hand. Pull a small lock of wool no more than 5 cm wide and 10 cm long from the woolen ball with the fingers of your other hand.
Step 3
Fix the extended strand with the fingers of your left hand at the base, and with the other hand, twist the strand, forming a thread. Do not pull the thread too tight to avoid breaking the tow. Twist the thread until a tight loop is formed on it. The more you twist the yarn, the stronger it will be.
Step 4
With the resulting thread, carefully tie the waist of the heel of your spindle, lay it on a flat surface, and then pull another 10 cm long strand from the bunch of wool, holding the base of the thread twisted earlier.
Step 5
Make sure the strands you pull are the same width. Place the spindle at an angle to the table, and begin to gently rotate it by the tip clockwise. Make the spins smooth and even so that the wool curls into a tight thread.
Step 6
Wind the long thread around the spindle so that it does not interfere with spinning further. First wind the thread around the bottom of the spindle and then onto the top. When the spindle is full, remove the thread from it and wind the yarn into a ball.
Step 7
Connect the end of the thread on the ball, then, with a new thread on the spindle and twist the connection. With a little practice, you will start to have an even, thin and strong yarn.