What Is Overcome Grass

What Is Overcome Grass
What Is Overcome Grass

Overcome-grass, or water lily - Nuphar lutenum, is a perennial plant of the water lily family with a fleshy rhizome and floating leaves. The flowers are large, the calyx is 5 - 6 leaves. The fruits of the plant are complex and smooth to the touch.

In ancient times, a water lily was considered a strong amulet
In ancient times, a water lily was considered a strong amulet

What is the overcoming grass famous for?

In an old handwritten herbalist, a water lily of white or yellow color, it is also a water lumbago, a bathing suit, has such an interesting name as overpower-grass. Ancient people prescribed her magical properties associated with the overcoming of all evil spirits. In those days, there was a belief that a person who finds this mysterious plant "will find talent for himself on earth."

Travelers traveling to distant countries, so as not to get lost, took a water lily with them. They sewed the rhizome of the plant into an amulet and hung it around their necks under their underwear, while casting a magic spell. The shepherds used the beautiful water lily in their own way - they walked around the field assigned to them with the rhizome in their hands, protecting their cattle from the evil eye and loss.

In some Slavic myths, the overpower-grass plant was understood as sandy sainfoin, or field sainfoin, belonging to the legume family.

The magical properties of the overpower-grass

In white magic, the water lily was used to make psychotropic love potions, since the ancient people already understood that the flower has a certain attractive power. The decoction made from a water lily was considered a love potion that awakens feelings even in the most cruel heart.

The lovers took several flowers of water lilies with them on a date. Pregnant women stocked up on them before giving birth, and the warring parties - on the eve of court proceedings. For them, the water lily was a talisman capable of influencing the favorable outcome of such cases.

Overcome-herb as a medicine

The healing properties of the plant are countless. In folk medicine, the water lily appears in many recipes for such ailments, including:

- rheumatism;

- colitis;

- gout;

- migraine;

- gastritis;

- cystitis;

- pulmonary tuberculosis;

- dermatological diseases.

Water lily has antitussive and hemostatic properties, saves from fever, accelerates hair growth, and removes urine in case of problems of the urinary system. Antipyretic, hypnotic, sedative - all this is a natural medicine called "overpower-herb".

How to Improve Sleep with Overpowering Grass? It is enough to hang it in a bundle in the corner of the bedroom or put it under the mattress. For a sound sleep for babies, the grass is sewn into pillows.

The use of fresh flowers and fruits by healers is recommended for hyperfunction of the gonads and painful nocturnal emissions in boys. The infusion of flowers is used as an external pain reliever that is added to the bath.

If you prepare a decoction of water lily roots in beer, you can stop even intense hair loss.

Overcome grass as food

Bakery products at home are made from flour obtained from the dry rhizomes of the plant. Fresh soaked rhizomes of water lilies are edible in fried and boiled form. You can replace your usual coffee with toasted white water lily seeds.
