White carp is a desirable and valuable catch for any fishing connoisseur. Cupid meat is highly valued for its refined and delicate taste. However, it is quite difficult to catch this fish, since it is distinguished by whimsical food and shyness. To return home with the desired catch, you should know the peculiarities of catching grass carp.

Features of grass carp
Cupid is a fish of the carp family. Distinctive external features of this fish: an elongated body, covered with dense scales, up to 120 cm long. Initially, grass carp appeared in East Asia, but was later brought to the Soviet Union. At the moment, grass carps are often used to cleanse water bodies of excess greenery, since they feed exclusively on vegetation. This method of combating water pollution is very effective and allows you to achieve absolute transparency.
How to catch cupid
If you are looking to catch grass carp, vegetable baits are ideal. For example, boiled corn without additional flavors or juicy greens (cucumber ovaries, corn shoots, pea leaves, you can even use simple bunches of fresh grass). Although the aforementioned baits are the most preferred and will make it easy to catch grass carp, sometimes whimsical fish can peck at an earthworm, so it is worth trying this bait as well. You can also attract cupid with the help of a vegetable smell, for example, by tying a bunch of dill to a hook.
If you are determined to catch grass carp, there are a few more points to consider. First, you should choose the right fishing spot. Cupid lives where there is an abundance of vegetation. This fish loves to hide in coastal reeds or seaweed thickets. Secondly, you need to develop a casting strategy and type of bait. Since grass carp is a rather fickle fish, its behavior may differ depending on the reservoir. For this reason, it is necessary to experiment, trying different casting spots and changing baits. However, do not forget about one universal advice: the line for catching carp should be thicker than, for example, for catching carp, since carp bites strongly and suddenly.
Feeling that the fish is biting, you need to pull sharply. Any delay can entail disastrous consequences - the fish will break off and go into the thickets. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the procedure can be long and require considerable physical effort, since grass carp is distinguished by its endurance and strength.
Do not forget that Cupid is an extremely cautious representative of the carp family, capable of being frightened of any loud sound, so try to be as quiet as possible when fishing. If you go fishing with a company, avoid frequent conversations near the body of water, talking only when necessary.