How To Care For Dracaena

How To Care For Dracaena
How To Care For Dracaena

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Under natural conditions, dracaena is a tree that reaches a height of six meters. Among amateur flower growers, it has become widespread, thanks to its unusual leaves. Flowers on this plant rarely appear and are not decorative. Dracaena is unpretentious in care. It grows well in indoor conditions, will decorate a winter garden and a greenhouse.

How to care for dracaena
How to care for dracaena

It is necessary

  • - universal soil;
  • - complex flower fertilizer;
  • - flower pot.


Step 1

When choosing a dracaena in a store, pay attention to its appearance. The presence of dry tips and spots on the leaves indicates that the plant is sick or damaged by insects. Keep in mind that broadleaf dracaena varieties are more susceptible to disease and require more careful maintenance.

Step 2

After you bring the purchased plant home, transplant it. The new pot should be 2 cm larger in diameter than the old one. Make drainage: pour a layer of expanded clay 2-3 cm thick on the bottom of the pot. Cover it with a layer of soil. Add some charcoal to keep the roots from rotting. After transplanting, spray dracaena leaves with Epin solution (2 drops per 1 liter of water).

Step 3

Place the plant in a well-lit area. Protect it from direct sunlight - the tips of the leaves may turn yellow and dry, the plant will lose its attractiveness. Keep the dracaena indoors at a temperature of 18-25 ° C.

Step 4

When watering, do not overmoisten the soil. In the summer, spray the plant with water at room temperature daily; during the heating season, when the air in the room is dry, twice a day. Wash the dracaena leaves in a warm shower once a month.

Step 5

In the spring and summer, during the period of intensive growth, add complex fertilizer for indoor plants to the water for irrigation once a week. In the autumn-winter period, apply fertilizer no more than once a month.

Step 6

Transplant the young dracaena into a larger container at least once every 2 years. For an adult plant, remove the topsoil in the pot once a year and replace it with a new one.
