Dracaena is a plant that looks like a miniature palm tree; flower growers love it for its external attractiveness and unpretentiousness. It is not difficult to take care of her, but in order for her to please with a healthy look, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

Dracaena likes bright light. It feels great on the south windows, but on a hot sunny afternoon it is still better to shade it with a newspaper or partially covered blinds. Variegated and broadleaf species require more light, owners of green leaves - less. The latter feel good at some distance from the window.
Poor lighting has a negative effect on the tropical beauty: its leaves drop and lose the brightness of color (especially for variegated species), the crown loses its splendor, the growth of the plant freezes. In the summer, it is advisable to take the dracaena outside, in the fresh air it comes to life and grows new leaves well.
Temperature regime
Dracaena painfully tolerates both too high a temperature and too low. She prefers the “golden mean”, between 16 ° C and 25 ° C. In winter, it must be removed away from the batteries, but at a great distance from the window, it is necessary to provide it with additional lighting.
Watering the dracaena will not give you any problems. It is enough not to allow the earthen coma to dry out, i.e. the soil must be moist all the time. It is important not to overdo it and not flood the plant, because stagnant water (with poor drainage), waterlogging of the soil can destroy the dragon tree. The optimal watering schedule: in the summer - every day, in the winter - in a day or two. It is necessary to water the plant with filtered or settled water at room temperature. Cold tap water is not suitable for irrigation; dracaena can simply get sick and die.
Daily spraying from a spray bottle, wiping the leaves with a damp sponge and taking a shower (once a week) - this dracaena definitely loves. She will be incredibly grateful to you if there is a humidifier nearby. Only two types of dracaena - Godsef and Dragon, feel good even in dry air, they do not require spraying and a shower.
Transplant and feeding
While the dracaena is small, transplant it into a new pot every spring, increasing the diameter of the pot by 2-3 cm. It is not worth replanting an adult dracaena annually, you can simply replace the top layer of the old, depleted soil with a new one bought in a specialized flower shop (it is called "For dracaena"). However, if necessary, you can make a transplant by the transshipment method once every 5-6 years. Transshipment involves transplanting a plant into a new container along with an earthen clod (you cannot pull it out of the ground with roots, the root system will be disturbed, the plant will die). Good drainage equipment at the bottom of the pot is essential.
For healthy growth and beautiful foliage, the dracaena must be periodically fed. Buy fertilizers only in specialized stores. Feed moderately during the growing season from February to November 2 times a month. After transplanting, the plant does not need fertilization for a month.