Proper Care For Dracaena

Proper Care For Dracaena
Proper Care For Dracaena

Dracaena is very popular with those whose hobby is growing indoor plants. The choice of dracaena varieties is great, and thanks to this, you can create beautiful compositions. This plant is very unpretentious and will delight its owners under any conditions.

Proper care for dracaena
Proper care for dracaena

The homeland of dracaena is the subtropics. The plant will not tolerate temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius, and therefore, if the summer turns out to be sultry, the dracaena should be hidden from the heat in a shaded place. In winter, the temperature in the room where the plant is located should not fall below 14 degrees. Open windows in winter, sudden changes in temperature, drafts can destroy the dragon tree.

There are differences for winter and summer watering. In winter, in cold weather, it is enough to water the plant once a week, and in summer the flowerpot should be irrigated every 2 to 3 days. In order for the flower to get all the moisture it needs, it would be good to put the pot in a container of water twice a month.

The tree of happiness, as some call it, tolerates dry air well, but it will still be quite useful to spray its leaves from time to time, especially in the summer heat or during the heating season. In order for the leaves to be bright and have a healthy look, this can be done every other day.

Dracaena categorically does not tolerate direct sunlight, and therefore it should be placed in an apartment somewhere in semi-shaded places.

Dracaena is propagated by cuttings. You can cut the stem without leaves about seven centimeters long and plant it in a pot, while covering it with a film or jar to create a high temperature of about 25 degrees. There is an even simpler method: the apical stalk is cut off with a sharp knife and placed in water for rooting. The rooted cutting is planted in the ground.

Since dracaena grows relatively slowly, it does not need to be transplanted annually. It is enough just to replace the top layer of the earth with a new one. But if the old pot has become small to the roots of the plant and they climb out of the container, then you need to transplant the flower into a large container, having previously poured drainage from expanded clay on the bottom.

Once a month, the tree of happiness can be fed with any fertilizer for indoor plants, which are sold in every gardening store.
