Alika Smekhova is an actress, daughter of Veniamin Smekhov. A woman with a spectacular appearance, famm-fatal, who played successful and eccentric heroines, always dreamed of a large friendly family, but all her marriages ended in divorce.

Alika and her men
The charismatic brunette was born into a creative family, but her father left when Alika and her sister were teenagers. Later, the actress said that she always felt the absence of the most important man in life. The mother worked hard trying to provide the girls with a decent life. Alika did not have enough home warmth; even as a child, she firmly decided: her family would be completely different.

After graduating from school, the girl firmly decided to connect her life with art. True, she dreamed not about acting, but about a musical career. Fate decreed otherwise - having entered GITIS, Alika made her debut in the roles of lyrical heroines - this is how the directors saw her. The aspiring actress did not refuse interesting offers, she even starred in episodes and tried herself in different genres.
Alika never suffered from lack of attention from the opposite sex. A fragile brunette with an exotic appearance easily reincarnated, she was distinguished by a cheerful character. And soon the first true love came - at this time Alika was only 17 years old.
First marriage
Alika met her future husband, director Sergei Livnev during her studies. The guy seemed quite promising: he was tuned in to family life, moreover, he was truly in love. However, the wedding had to wait until the bride came of age.
After the wedding, the newlyweds lived in complete harmony. The only problem was Sergei's persistent unwillingness to have children. Alika herself passionately dreamed of babies, without them the family was incomplete for her. After 6 years, she realized that her husband was not going to change his opinion about paternity. The divorce was predictable, the couple broke up without quarrels and scandals.
Second marriage
After the divorce, Alika woke up for a long time, concentrating on work and not thinking about novels. However, the next love was very close. The actress was interested in a real oriental man Grigory Bedzhamov. He was engaged in business, was a member of the board of directors of Vnesheconombank, president of the bobsleigh and skeleton federation. Falling in love turned out to be quick and mutual, followed by long courtship. It all ended with a beautiful wedding, at which Alika appeared in the form of a classic princess.
The magical romance ended immediately after the wedding. Problems began in the young family. The biggest was the dissatisfaction of Gregory's mother: an oriental woman dreamed of a completely different daughter-in-law. The spectacular actress did not fit well with the image of the classic obedient wife. Bedzhamov himself demanded that Alika quickly end her film career and settle at home, doing housework and serving her husband. This scenario came as a complete surprise to the newly-made wife.
Having received an ultimatum from her husband, Alika tried to meet his requirements. She tried to be at home more, refused to shoot, stopped attending social events. However, such compromises did not suit her husband. The scandals continued even after Alika announced her pregnancy. Quarrels and tension in the family led to the miscarriage. The grief-stricken actress filed for divorce: nothing else connected her with the house tyrant.
Third wedding
The difficult family life with Gregory became a kind of inoculation against new hasty marriages. From now on, Alika was very careful. Nikolai was able to melt the mistrust. The man was engaged in business, but his income was rather modest. This did not stop Alika from falling in love. Nikolai was also fascinated by the charismatic actress. The novel ended with a wedding and a church wedding.

In 2000, Smekhova's dream came true - she finally became a mother. Son Artem was born beautiful and healthy. The husband helped a lot with the baby, at some point he completely took over the household chores, allowing Alika to take up her acting career again. Gradually, however, the couple felt that they were estranged from each other. Divorce followed by mutual agreement, but Alika and Nikolai remained on good terms.
Fourth novel

Alik always hid the name of her last beloved. The journalists learned that he also belongs to the acting workshop and is the father of the second child of the actress - the son of Makar, who was born in 2007. However, the marriage was not registered. Having learned about Smekhova's pregnancy, the beloved disappeared without taking part in the life of her newborn son.
Today the actress lives alone, devoting all her free time to raising her sons. In the end, the most important men appeared in her life - and this makes Smekhova truly happy.