Having learned to convey the shape and volume of an object in a drawing, one cannot consider the work finished. To make the depicted object look realistic, you need to learn how to draw its texture. One such surface is fur.

It is necessary
- - Paper;
- - watercolor;
- - brushes;
- - palette;
- - watercolor pencils.
Step 1
Practice drawing fur on the rabbit. It has both a smooth short coat and a long fluffy one. To work you will need watercolors and watercolor pencils.
Step 2
Apply the main color with a wide brush. Mix brick brown, ocher and sepia in the palette. Apply it in broad strokes all over the animal's body.
Step 3
Add some light yellow to the resulting color and dilute the new shade with water. They need to fill the head of the rabbit.
Step 4
While the paint on the face has not dried, mix umber and black in the palette. Apply it with a smaller brush to the area above the bunny's nose. Since the surface of the paper is moist enough, the new shade will mix with the previous one, spreading over the sheet, eliminating clear contours. This will create the effect of fluffy fur.
Step 5
On the curves of the body, the color of the fur looks slightly different due to the refraction of light on its surface. So, for example, above the hind leg of the rabbit, it looks more orange, and on the back near the head and in the tail area, add a cold dark koichnevaya over the main color (to give a cold shade, drop quite a bit of blue).
Step 6
Draw some grayish fluff near the rabbit's ear. To do this, first pass with a clean, damp brush over this area of the drawing, and then apply on it black, strongly diluted with water, mixed with light brown. Apply the same shade, but on a dry basis, on the side of the animal.
Step 7
Take the thinnest brush. Dip it in umber and add some black. With this color, mark the shadows in the depths of the fur next to the bunny's nose. Apply paint in short strokes.
Step 8
Watercolor pencils will help you complete the drawing and achieve a realistic image of the fur. Take a light gray pencil. It must be very sharpened. Use the strokes in the direction of the fur to mark the light hairs near the rabbit's ears. With a light yellow (closer to brown), go over the head - especially around the eyes and to the side. Using a brick shade pencil, draw the fur on the bunny's back.