For those who do not strive to be fashionable and original in this life, to attract many envious and admiring glances, a fur vest will become a faithful assistant in creating an elegant and dazzling image. And don't be afraid to experiment, feel free to grab a needle and scissors and create a fur vest with a unique design.

It is necessary
- - old fur coat
- - decorative inlay
- - sewing accessories
Step 1
Take an old fur coat that you no longer plan to wear. It will just be able to sew your dream fur vest.
Step 2
Peel off the same old lining from the old fur coat and check it for such small defects as holes. From the inside, this is much more convenient than viewing through fur.
Step 3
If there are any holes or small cuts, take a needle and thread and sew carefully. In order not to bother yourself once again, you can generally glue everything you need with adhesive plaster, having lubricated it with super glue. But with larger and more ragged defects, this trick will not work. Here you need a beaded needle and a strong reinforced thread.
Step 4
If you want to sew a fur vest completely from scratch, cut a good piece of linen out of the fur coat. You can start cutting directly under the sleeves.
Step 5
On the one hand, you can take a measuring tape and take your measurements. But the easiest way is to find a free-tailored sweater that closes in the front and attach it to the canvas. It is not recommended to do the same with a tight-fitting sweater, since these dimensions will simply be insufficient for a fur vest, and you risk ruining the entire fabric. If there is nothing else, it makes the markup with a good margin, which you then cut off.
Step 6
When all the markings with a margin have been made, take a meter and measure the circumference of the sweater's armhole. Make sure that the armhole on the fur fabric is where it should be.
Step 7
Take scissors and cut out the marked armholes and at the same time the entire vest depicted on the canvas.
Step 8
The neckline does not have to be standard. Don't be afraid to let your imaginations run wild. Play as a great and talented designer.
Step 9
Next, you need a bake. With its help, you sew all the places where the scissors went through with a satin braid. And here he is - a ready-made fur vest, made with his own hands.
Step 10
In conclusion, you can decorate the fur vest with whatever your heart desires.