As a rule, a fur coat in a dream is the personification of material wealth and success in life. Along with the main interpretation of this dream, there are others. Interpreters advise: in order to interpret such a dream with maximum accuracy, you need to try to remember and take into account all the details and nuances of what you saw.

A fur coat in a dream. Miller's dream book
A fur coat, according to the interpretation of Gustav Miller, speaks of the dreamer's material wealth: in the near future he will have everything he needs for a happy and comfortable life. At the same time, Miller considers an unfavorable dream in which a person sees an expensive fur accessory on himself: fate has prepared a very unpleasant surprise for him.
Seeing yourself in a dream in a tattered and dirty fur coat - to a significant improvement in the financial situation in reality. Such a dream will temporarily divert adversity and sorrow from the dreamer. Buying a fur coat in a fur store is a whirlwind romance: the dreamer will have a wonderful relationship with his soul mate. For young mothers, this dream promises the appearance of a rich fan on the horizon.
What did the fur coat dream about? Freud's dream book
Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams in his own way. In particular, buying a fur coat in a dream speaks of a certain tightness of the dreamer, of his timidity. In reality, a person who has such a dream does not want to communicate with an unfamiliar environment, fearing all kinds of provocations and condemnations. Sigmund Freud recommends such people not to get hung up on bad thoughts and remember that their personal life is not interesting to everyone.
Seeing yourself in a dream dressed in an expensive fur coat - to the indecision of any action. Freud believes that in real life something prevents the dreamer from liberating himself. Perhaps this is due to recent complexes, for example, in sexual terms: the dreamer is uncomfortable with having sex, because he is not sure that no one will bother him and his sexual partner in the next half hour.
Why is a fur coat dreaming? Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
Evgeny Tsvetkov does not see anything good in such dreams. In particular, putting on a chic fur coat in a dream - for a long journey, which will be overshadowed by any incidents. This journey will suck all the moral strength and financial resources out of the dreamer. Evgeny Tsvetkov gives another interpretation of such a dream: a grandiose scandal is coming, capable of tarnishing the dreamer's reputation for life. To steal a fur coat in a dream - to family squabbles and troubles.
Modern dream book: fur coat
A black fur coat represents death. A light fur coat is a symbol of disease. A dirty fur coat, on the other hand, dreams of money and success. To put on a fur coat in a dream and experience inconvenience at the same time - to a profitable acquaintance with some influential person. A mink coat dreams of a long journey, and an ermine coat - to new acquaintances, which later turn out to be dangerous for the dreamer.