Many electronic devices use a miniature TRS connector, commonly called a jack. It is a unified plug for audio or stereo. There are several modifications of such a plug, which have different sizes, but each "jack" consists of a tip, a ring and a sleeve. Repair or installation of a plug of this type has some peculiarities.

It is necessary
- - jack-type connector;
- - a soldering iron with a power of 25-40 W;
- - flux;
- - solder;
- - sewing thread.
Step 1
Examine the connector. Some inexpensive jacks have nickel-plated solder pads. For soldering such a connector, rosin and other fluxes based on it are unsuitable. If you cannot find an active flux, then simply peel off the coating from the site with a sharp knife and tin it.
Step 2
Select the correct cable to connect to the connector. Note, however, that in most cases a thick shielded cable will not work as there is little space under the jack's protective cap.
Step 3
Before you start soldering, shorten the wire formed by the pre-twisted shielding wire to prevent it from shorted to the left channel.
Step 4
Put protective tubes on the wires and solder the wires to the corresponding pins of the connector. Slide the protective tubes over the pins of the connector.
Step 5
Then solder the common wire to the connector. Considering the size of the connector, prepare the soldering iron tip in advance by narrowing it slightly with a file if necessary. The soldering technology of the connector is practically no different from the connection technology by soldering any other parts. An additional condition is that the solder can be anything other than low-melting solders, for example, Wood's alloys.
Step 6
Insert the cable into the bracket. To securely fasten the cable, wind 8-10 turns of strong sewing thread around it tightly. Now, holding the ends of the thread with one hand, use a soldering iron to apply a drop of heated rosin to the threads. Do not knot the thread as this will weaken the connection.
Step 7
Bend the contacts of the left and right channels into the structure. Screw on the protective cap. Installation of "jack" on this can be considered complete. Check the functionality of the connector by inserting it into the corresponding socket of the electronic device.