People who assemble various electronic devices often face the problem of soldering small parts. Not every soldering iron can handle very small resistors. And if they are in close proximity to each other, then the task becomes almost impossible. Therefore, a hot-air method of soldering was invented.

Step 1
Place a sheet of iron on the table. It is necessary so that hot elements do not melt the table and leave no traces on it. You can also use an old aluminum tray. Place the board to which you want to solder the resistors up on the work surface.
Step 2
Take a bottle of flux and apply a thin layer to the seam. Use a small paintbrush to do this. Let the board dry. Use only liquid based flux. If you put a thick layer of thick flux, then under the pressure of high temperature air, it will begin to splatter and the resistors will fly in different directions.
Step 3
Warm up the soldering iron to operating temperature. Now apply the solder. The required amount for each site must be calculated experimentally. There should be enough solder so that the resistor can be soldered well. Please note that a soldering iron of the correct size must be used for application. If the soldering iron is too large, then use special nozzles that change the size of the working surface. Allow the applied solder to cool.
Step 4
Apply another thin coat of flux and set the board to dry. When the flux dries, it will become sticky. Turn on your hair dryer. Set the temperature and air flow to about halfway. Set it aside to warm up. Take the dry board. Use tweezers to carefully place the resistors on their designated pads. Align all elements carefully. Make sure that the antennae of the resistors lie clearly in place.
Step 5
Take a heated hair dryer and turn on the temperature and air flow to the maximum. Bring the nozzle to the bottom of the resistors and smoothly run from one end to the other. You will see how the solder is activated. The resistors will be soldered and run parallel to each other. Flip the board over and repeat the procedure with the other ends of the resistors. Let the board cool. check the quality of the soldering on the back of the board.