Do not rush to throw out a sock with bright patterns if it remains one of a pair. The sock will make a fun cell phone case.

a knitted sock, threads in color, a little felt for finishing and lining, contrasting threads for embroidery (floss is best, but ordinary sewing threads # 40 - 10, iris are also suitable), a bead or a small button.
1. Measure the width and height of your smartphone.

2. Cut off the upper part from the toe (in the left photo it is indicated by a blue frame). It is from it that we will sew the cover. The length of the cut-off part must be at least the height of the phone + 4 cm.
3. If the width of the workpiece is much larger than the width of the smartphone, cut off the excess to make a knitted rectangle.
4. On the upper part, make notches 4 cm long. They should fall exactly in the middle of the front and back of the cover (see middle photo). Tuck the edges over to create impromptu cat ears.
5. Cut a circle 2 - 2.5 cm in diameter out of white felt and sew it onto the front of the cover. Attach a spout bead on it and make a few stitches with bright thread to outline the cat's whiskers and eyes.
6. Sew the knitted cover (bottom and, if necessary, side).
6. Make a lining for the cover out of yellow felt (otherwise the cover will not hold its shape and protect the phone). To do this, cut out a rectangle that matches the size of the knitted cover. Place the felt lining in the cover and cut out the triangles on top as well (see photo below). Sew the top edge of the knit to the felt lining with discreet stitches.

The smartphone case is ready!