Felt Smartphone Case

Felt Smartphone Case
Felt Smartphone Case

Even if you have a special protective glass glued on your smartphone screen, it is better to put your smartphone in a bag in a case, for example, this beautiful one.

Felt smartphone case
Felt smartphone case

Of course, it is not necessary to buy felt for such a case for a smartphone, but felt is convenient because it is a dense soft fabric. Another advantage of felt is that it does not crumble, that is, no additional seams are needed, and this is convenient for novice craftsmen.

felt of several bright colors (choose colors to taste), buttons, multi-colored threads, scissors, a needle, beads (or beads, sequins).

1. Measure the length and width of your smartphone. Add at least 1cm to each side and pattern as shown below. You should get a rectangle with rounded corners, segments A and B of which should be equal, segment C can be of any length, but it should not be less than 3 cm.

Felt smartphone case
Felt smartphone case

Note! You can cut a cover out of two halves if you have small pieces of felt. If there is enough felt, cut in one piece - with a fold at the bottom.

if you are not sure of the correctness of the received pattern, make a "fitting" - put your smartphone in the pattern and bring its edges together. Future side seams should not overlap.

2. Cut out several flowers (see the flower shape, for example, on the attached diagram) from felt of different colors.

Flowers must be sewn on before sewing the edges. Complete the decor with beads, beads, sequins, if desired.

3. Sew the edges of the cover. Cut the buttonhole. Sew on the button. The smartphone case is ready!
