How To Make A Balloon Smartphone Case

How To Make A Balloon Smartphone Case
How To Make A Balloon Smartphone Case

Buying expensive smartphone cases is sometimes too expensive. They wear out quickly, and a cover made of an ordinary balloon costs a penny. A homemade accessory is handy, especially when using your phone at the beach.

Ball case for smartphone
Ball case for smartphone

After buying an expensive smartphone, many have experienced a lack of money to purchase a cover for the device. Using the gadget will be safe if you show a little imagination to make a protective accessory with your own hands. An easy-to-manufacture smartphone case can be made from a regular inflatable ball.

Advantages of the balloon cover

The protective product looks natural enough, so hardly anyone will believe that the case is fake. By taking advantage of this creative option, you can extend the life of your mobile phone while protecting it from the harmful effects of the environment. The case allows you to secure the surface of the phone panel from the back, as well as from its sides.

The way to create a case for a smartphone with your own hands using an inflatable baby ball is quite simple and quick. It allows you to save a lot of money on buying a case at a high price. Some shops offer plastic accessories with simple designs at a premium.

The gadget can be adorned with an attractive case without unnecessary waste. You can make an amazing product in just 10 seconds. The rubber ball, which is ideal for making a smartphone case, has the following benefits:

  • water resistance - it is convenient to use the smartphone on the beach, since the body of the device is protected from moisture;
  • cheapness - a penny balloon allows you to make a convenient accessory for iPad or iPhone;
  • reliability - the mobile device is reliably protected from scratches and accidental mechanical damage;
  • originality - by taking a balloon with a picture, you can give your smartphone an interesting appearance;
  • aesthetics - the flat surface of the phone, tightly covered with a rubber case, is attractive.
  • a variety of colors - colorful beautiful rubber balls can be selected in any color.

In general, a functional and cheap self-made model of an inflatable baby ball cover is creative. Despite the fact that the control buttons of the device are closed, it is not difficult to adapt a smartphone with such an interesting accessory to use. In doing so, you can save money on buying a more expensive option.

Creating a cover from a ball in stages

You can turn a simple silicone balloon using an interesting life hack. The video will allow you to make a cover yourself. The process of turning the ball into a smartphone case does not take long. There is no need for glue or other materials at hand. It is enough to prepare an inflatable rubber product, as well as scissors. The step-by-step creation of an accessory involves the following basic steps:

  1. Inflate the balloon, asking the assistant at this time to pinch the hole in it with your fingers so that the air does not come out.
  2. Place the mobile device on top of the inflated balloon, covering each corner of the device with rubber, then start releasing air from it, slightly opening your fingers.
  3. Constantly press the ball with a smartphone while deflating.
  4. Straighten every unevenness on the product.
  5. Cut off a part of the ball with a hole at the end with scissors.
  6. Make holes for connecting the device to the charger in a deflated ball that fits the smartphone tightly.

A case for a mobile device or tablet made in a simple way will save you from having to pay a lot of money for a useless product. A ball case will allow not only to ensure the safe operation of the smartphone and its protection, but also to decorate the equipment.

Many smartphone accessories do not last long, even if used with care. You can make covers from balloons every day. A DIY product doesn't have to be expensive. It is enough that the case was sturdy.

On the first try, the accessory may not come out too smooth, so it is better to repeat all the steps several times. Improved with a ball, the gadget will have an improved grip. At the same time, the product will practically not change the weight and dimensions of the mobile device. Since it is not always possible to purchase a special bumper for a gadget, an easy-to-manufacture accessory will serve as an excellent "outfit" for a smartphone.
