How To Make Clay Jewelry

How To Make Clay Jewelry
How To Make Clay Jewelry

Table of contents:


Original handmade jewelry can emphasize individuality and complete the created image. Making them is a fun creative process during which you will create unique pieces for yourself and your friends.

How to make clay jewelry
How to make clay jewelry

It is necessary

  • - self-hardening clay;
  • - plants;
  • - rolling pin;
  • - smooth cutting board;
  • - cling film;
  • - smooth metal lid for cans;
  • - tweezers;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - a rag.


Step 1

Look in the park, at their summer cottage or on your windowsill for textured leaves, stems, plant roots, shells. Look in a box or closet for small items that can serve as beautiful stamps for your work. All of these found items are essential to create beautiful clay prints.

Step 2

Place them in a box on your desk so they are close at hand. The clay hardens quickly, and you won't have time to run after the necessary stamps. Place a clingy wrap on a smooth cutting board and a metal lid.

Step 3

Tear off a lump about the size of an apricot from a large block of self-hardening clay. Wrap the rest of the mass tightly in a bag. Roll a ball or oval between your palms, and then turn into a pancake. Place the clay on a plastic board. Cover the top with another piece of plastic and press down with the metal cover. The thickness of the resulting workpiece should be approximately 5 mm. Make several pieces this way.

Step 4

Peel off the top piece of film from the clay blanks. Attach the selected stamps to them. First, just lay them out at different angles to appreciate the resulting composition. Then press everything into the clay to get prints. If necessary, cover again with foil and roll with a rolling pin.

Step 5

Use tweezers to remove the stamps from the clay. Make holes for attaching accessories for a pendant or earrings and leave the blanks to dry at room temperature. Read the drying instructions for the clay you are using.

Step 6

Tint your work after the clay has dried. Cover the entire workpiece with acrylic so that the paint flows abundantly into all the depressed areas. Then wipe the garments with a cloth, leaving the color in the grooves. You can already cover the decoration with varnish and fix the fittings, or you can also paint it with acrylic paints, following your idea.

Step 7

You can use the second method to create blanks. Roll out a large piece of clay on a smooth surface covered with plastic wrap. Convert it into a layer of the desired thickness. Having removed the top film, cut out the blanks with molds. In this version, the resulting elements can have bizarre outlines. You can bend the molds themselves from thin tin cans.
