You can make a variety of flowers from satin ribbons that you can use to decorate shoes, clothes, handbags, hairpins, headbands, and even make a necklace or bracelet. Such a flower is a small masterpiece. By combining ribbon decorations, you can make a picture. An original gift with jewelry will not leave anyone indifferent.

It is necessary
- - satin ribbons of different widths;
- - beads;
- - glue gun;
- - threads to match the tape;
- - a needle.
Step 1
To make a petal, take a piece of ribbon, the length of which will depend on the size of the future flower. You can not cut off the tape right away. First fold the petal, and then, if you like, cut it off.
Step 2
Fold the wide ribbon in half. If the tape is medium or narrow, you do not need to fold it.
Step 3
Connect the ends of the ribbon, you get a kind of cone. Bend the tips towards you or away from you. Burn with a lighter and press quickly with your fingers.
Step 4
If you add a ribbon of a different color, then when you fold it, you get a play of color. The second piece of tape can be positioned not only in the middle, but also along the edges. The petal will look different.
Step 5
Another version of the petal. Twist the tape and fold the ends together. Fold over to yourself, or in the other direction. Secure with a lighter and the petal is ready. Make some of these petals.
Step 6
Take a circle made of cardboard or felt, attach the petals to it. For a single-row flower, 5-6 petals are enough. Glue them to the base with a hot glue gun. Decorate the center of the flower with a bead.
Step 7
To make a rose, take a ribbon and fold its edge at an angle. Roll up into a small tube. Continue to wrap the flower in a circle to form the petals. Fasten each subsequent petal with a thread and a needle. If you make a few turns, you get a bud. If the length of the ribbon is longer, then you get a lush flower.
Step 8
Decorate your clothes, bag, curtains with these flowers. Attach to a simple hair clip, elastic band, or headband. The exclusive kanzashi decoration is ready.
Step 9
With the help of satin ribbons, an ordinary knitted bustier dress can be changed beyond recognition. Make loops of different lengths from the ribbons and sew along the neckline. This will freshen up your old outfit.
Step 10
An original ribbon necklace is also easy to make. Choose several ribbons of different colors so that the shades create a smooth transition from one color to another. Fold the ribbons into an accordion, make a hole and thread the chain. Such an uncomplicated at first glance necklace is very impressive.