How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Virgo

How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Virgo
How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Virgo

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Sometimes unbearable and so different Virgos are actually very vulnerable, they need care and affection, and therefore the gifts presented to them should be truly special, even symbolic. A horoscope will help you choose a stone as a gift to Virgo.

How to choose a stone for a person born under the sign of Virgo
How to choose a stone for a person born under the sign of Virgo

This zodiac sign is probably one of the most controversial. The mood of Virgos is very changeable, and these changes are very polar: today Virgos are restrained and very shy, and tomorrow they are already striking with brightness and incredible sexuality. The reason for such diametrically opposite changes is the very emotional nature of Virgos.

Jade as a talisman

One of the most suitable stones for this sign is jade. It is considered a stone of change and is an excellent helper for fickle Virgos, helping to change habits, the sphere of activity, and the subconscious.

Jade for Virgo is a stone of change
Jade for Virgo is a stone of change

As for health, jade as a talisman should be chosen by those who have problems with the kidneys or the cardiovascular system.

Jade is a stone with a long history

The first mentions of it are 7-8 thousand years old. Even the ancient Chinese highly appreciated this mineral for its properties. At first, due to its high hardness, the stone was used to create weapons, and about 6, 5 thousand years ago, magical properties were attributed to it, and therefore they began to deify the stone.

The natural qualities of jade, according to Chinese legends, were correlated with six human qualities:

  • soft shine - personified mercy;
  • firmness was the embodiment of justice and moderation;
  • translucency symbolized honesty;
  • cleanliness was associated with wisdom;
  • courage embodied mutability.

Such associations and comparisons formed the basis of many Chinese proverbs and sayings of great philosophers, characterizing a person and his moral qualities.

Coil for energy

As a talisman for the changeable Virgo, you can also choose a serpentine or, as it is also called, serpentine. This mineral got its name due to its appearance. It is green in color with veins, which resembles the skin of a snake.

Serpentine for Virgo - a source of energy
Serpentine for Virgo - a source of energy

This stone has a very strong energy, protecting its owner from negative external influences. It collects negative energy and accumulates it in itself, so at least once a week it must be kept under running water

For Virgos, the stone opens up wide opportunities for the development and expansion of their horizons, their knowledge. In addition, it is excellent as an amulet against damage and the evil eye. According to the legend, widely known in the Urals, the serpentine was found where the serpent crawled, guarding the treasury of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, called the Great Snake. Rarely did anyone manage to see it, and only nuggets marked the path that the snake traveled. Hence its name and appearance.
