Those born in January have the zodiac sign Capricorn or Aquarius. Capricorns are strong and domineering personalities who hide their ambitions. Aquarians are extravagant, freedom-loving and intelligent.

Step 1
Capricorns have many ambitions, but they never flaunt them. They prefer to act cunningly rather than rushing through. They do all their business slowly and carefully, checking every step.
Step 2
As a result, Capricorn will achieve everything because he works conscientiously. Rarely someone is able to get ahead of him, because Capricorn respects those who overtook him.
Step 3
Capricorns - adherents of stability and tradition, may seem a little boring and tedious to an energetic person. Position in society, respect and power are important to them. Capricorns always speak carefully, they know how to cunningly adapt to others.
Step 4
Capricorns are not subject to emotions, they are not used to being lazy. These are real workaholics, lazy people make them feel sorry for them. Capricorns value such solid people very much.
Step 5
Conservative Capricorn gives an important role to order in everything, disturbance of order knocks him out of balance. He is heavy on his feet, carefully preparing for each new event. He has no surprises in his life.
Step 6
For others, Capricorn may seem soft and timid, in fact, he will seize the moment in communication with you. When you trust him, he will find a way to turn you around. Capricorns are extremely calculating.
Step 7
A life of constant work makes realistic Capricorns somewhat pessimistic. They constantly have to struggle with life's circumstances, and they have excellent stamina. However, constant stress undermines their mental health.
Step 8
Capricorn needs to learn to relax, to devote proper time to rest from work. Develop a more positive outlook on the world.
Step 9
Aquarius is a rational person, but has a claim to be shocking. He likes to do tricks that shock the public. They are attracted to everything new, they love experiments.
Step 10
He loves to penetrate the worlds of different people, to study them. Those close to him are never enough, he will constantly make new acquaintances. Even unfamiliar people trust him with their secrets, acquaintance of Aquarius with whom can be one-time.
Step 11
Aquarius is very jealous of encroachments on their freedom, therefore it is very difficult to get it. He will still reach out to other people, not allowing anyone to make him their own. Sometimes he has periods of gloom when he prefers to be alone.
Step 12
Aquarius constantly analyzes events in people's lives, they like to talk about the need for global changes in the world. They can be real rebels against established rules.