How To Find A Fortune Teller

How To Find A Fortune Teller
How To Find A Fortune Teller

Unfortunately, the gullibility of many people who believe in psychics, sorcerers and fortune-tellers are used by scammers who pull money, but do not bring any truthful information.

How to find a fortune teller
How to find a fortune teller

Many sincerely believe in a special world inaccessible to ordinary people, where there is a place for the supernatural. Such people believe that there are a number of signs by which you can distinguish a real fortune teller.

Of course, fortune telling and fortune telling is a source of income for most witches, but real fortune tellers do not depend on money. They are happy with the tools that you yourself decide to present to her. But scammers give a clear amount for a visit.

Reasonableness First

In search of fortune-tellers or psychics, give up advertising media, real witches do not advertise, popular rumor speaks about them better than any newspapers. A real fortune-teller does not need cheap advertising gimmicks, recommendations about her can be obtained through acquaintances, relatives or friends who themselves directly contacted and, more importantly, received a positive result.

Flip through the pages of the Internet, look for reviews of the fortuneteller on forums and sites - people willingly share their true impressions, and also warn against scammers.

When you come to a fortune teller for help, pay attention to the entourage and witchcraft material. A real fortuneteller, as a rule, has a meager set in the form of church candles, icons, crosses and consecrated water. As an addition, cards can be used, if they are often used, then the deck will be worn and aged.

Where there is no place for gloss

If, however, you see a whole magic store in the form of transparent balls, skulls, a brand new deck of cards, some incomprehensible incense, figures, bones, then you are in front of an obvious fraudster who is trying to impress.

On the first visit, listen more: if the fortuneteller bombards you with questions that will help her, she is clearly trying to use psychological tricks to lure all the information out of you. Be silent, or better - leave.

A true fortune teller is usually quite modest: he can be dressed simply, without elaborate talismans around his neck, although often adherents of the theory of "stone amulets" allow themselves to wear many jewelry with natural stones that give them strength. If you are going to an appointment with such a fortune teller, take a little time and read about the power of stones. Pay attention to which of them are completely incompatible, being with the witch, do not hesitate - consider her jewelry, and if there is a contradiction …
