One of the easiest ways to find out your future or the answer to a specific question of interest is fortune-telling with wax. Young girls of Ancient Russia got together and thus found out when they got married. It is generally accepted that guessing is best for the New Year in order to find out what it will be like next year. And guessing at Christmas is considered a Russian tradition. In fact, you can guess at any time, because you want to know your future at any moment of your life.

Fortune-telling in wax is also the simplest, because everything you need for this is in almost every home. But, despite this, you need to prepare for the fortune-telling itself.
Preparing for fortune telling
First you need to prepare the necessary attributes, then tune in to fortune-telling, this is the most important condition. Answers come depending on the mood.
So what you need to have:
- Several wax candles. You can use the wax itself, but it is more convenient to hold and guide the candles. Now there are several types of candles on sale - colored, long and short, thin and voluminous. Choose which ones you like and for what purposes you need them. For example, if you are interested in health, use a green candle, money - gold, yellow, if love relationships are important to you, then red. If you only have candles of one color, that's okay, use them.
- Since divination is based on wax and water, so prepare a clean vessel of water. Try to choose the color of the bowl so that the wax figures are clearly visible in its contrast. It is even better to use a color that is universally suitable for this - white. Against its background, any colored figure will be clearly visible. Try, experiment, with which attributes will work most comfortably for you, and leave those.
- Water. The ideal option is Epiphany or melt water. It is believed that then the information will be accurate and true. But you can also take ordinary tap water. The water must be cold.
- List of interpretations. You should have such a list ready at hand. You can simply open a page of the site with the decoding of the figures.
- Mood. If you want reliable information, you must take your divination ritual seriously. Do not do it in a hurry, in between things and just like that. Get down to business seriously and responsibly. Take it easy if you are agitated. Complete harmony inside. Tune in to what's important to you right now. Tune in to the fortune-telling itself. Calm down. Only inner calmness will allow you to receive information, open a channel of perception. Ready? Then let's get started.

You can guess by yourself or with friends. Remember only one thing. The general mood should be the same, the mood of each participant must coincide with the mood of the other and with the purpose of the fortune-telling itself. If someone comes to have some fun, don't even start. But if the whole company just wants to try, then there is only one general attitude and you can try. Just keep in mind that fortune-telling is receiving secret information from the Higher powers, from the Universe. And this is far from a joke.
Well then. Once you have everything ready, you have read the recommendations and followed them, you can start.
Pour water into a cup. You can put a mirror on the bottom. Take some candles, light them and wait until the candle turns into wax. This can be done in a metal cup. While the candle is melting, mentally ask the question you want an answer to. Then slowly pour the wax into the water. Slowly and carefully. Free and relaxed. When the formed figures freeze, you can begin to interpret.
There are several important points in the interpretation. Better not to take literally what can be read on different sites. Build on your feelings.
Take a look at the resulting shape. What do you feel? Joy, anxiety, some phrase came to mind from the subconscious? Record your feeling. And now look at the list of interpretations. If you learn to guess with the help of your inner feelings, then, as a rule, feelings and decoding will coincide. In this case, your mind will not interfere and there will be no doubt. Such a coincidence of sensations and interpretations of the figures will be the most truthful.
If the information received pleases you, save this wax for the next divination. If you receive any warnings or something unpleasant so that it does not come true and does not affect your well-being, pour the water and wax somewhere on the ground and bury it with the bowl.

Remember! Much depends on your attitude. If you are expecting bad things, then you may see something like this. If you are initially set up for pleasant events in life, so be it.
Do not directly take very seriously the fortune-telling itself, take your mood seriously. Set yourself up for happy moments and start guessing. Even if something was going to happen, something not very pleasant, then with your attitude you take it away from yourself. Then the values of the figures will mean only good. After all, people want not so much to know their future as to have a happy future, and in fortune telling they are looking for confirmation that this will be so. Let it be so!