The Layout For The Future With The Help Of Tarot

The Layout For The Future With The Help Of Tarot
The Layout For The Future With The Help Of Tarot

Tarot cards are an ancient art that is of interest to this day. There are several basic layouts that every Tarot learner should master. Among them are layouts for the future.

The layout for the future with the help of tarot
The layout for the future with the help of tarot

Celtic cross layout

One of the oldest tarot layouts for the future is the Celtic Cross layout. 10 cards are involved in the layout, the first two are laid cross on top of each other. The third card is placed at the head of the cross, the fourth card is placed at the legs, the fifth card is placed on the left, and the sixth card is placed on the right. 7-10 cards are laid out to the right of this composition, from bottom to top.

The first card hides the essence of the problem, it describes the urgent situation. The second speaks of possible third-party circumstances that can bring something to this situation. The first two cards show the obvious, outside of what is happening. The third and fourth cards will reveal the contents of the consciousness and the unconscious of the questioner. The third card reflects the conscious level, aspirations and thoughts of the questioner regarding the situation. The fourth corresponds to the unconscious, deep beliefs and feelings of the questioner.

The fifth card will reveal the causes of the situation, that is, it speaks of the past. The sixth card is a map of the future, it will show the trend of the nearest development of this situation. The seventh card is the questioner himself, his opinion on the situation. The eighth card is other people, their opinion about what is happening, and it may also be other external circumstances. The ninth card reflects the hopes and fears of the questioner, it is especially useful if the person to whom they are guessing is absent. The tenth card will reveal the future itself, the outcome of the situation, to which everything is moving.

The cards are not interpreted in order, you need to start with the fifth to find out the background. The next step is 9 to learn about the questioner's worries. After that, cards 1 and 2 are interpreted to learn about the driving impulses of the situation. Then cards 3 and 4, 7 and 8 are looked at. Future cards 6 and 10 are considered last.

"Secret of the Priestess" layout

There are 9 cards involved in the layout: the first two are again laid with a cross, in their "head" they have 3. To the left and to the right of the third cards are 4 and 5, respectively. In the "legs" of 1 and 2 cards there is 9, to the left of which - 6, to the right - 7. 8 card is placed in the "legs" of 9.

The cross of 1 and 2 means the essence of the problem situation, expressed in two main motives. Card 3 is a significant factor that determines the situation in the present. Card 4 is a new factor that is increasingly influencing. 5 - a factor that loses its influence on the course of events. 6 - a map of the subconscious of the questioner, something that he still does not fully understand. 7 - a map of consciousness. 8 - a map of the near future. 9 card opens only after the interpretation of all the others, it hides the true reasons for the exciting situation. It is interpreted only if it is the Major Arcana. If the Junior Arcana is in position 9, the secret remains closed for now.
