Fortune-tellers both beckon and scare. The opportunity to look into your future is very attractive, but it is not clear what to do if something terrible lurks in it. To get the most out of your visit to a fortune teller, it is very important to understand what is worth asking and what not.

It is necessary to understand that any fortune-teller eventually becomes a good intuitive psychologist. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your fortune-telling session will resemble working in a psychologist's office.
How to start communicating with a fortune teller?
Fortune-tellers and clairvoyants are two different categories of people, so do not expect that the moment you cross the threshold of the fortune-teller's office, she will tell you everything. To get the best result, you need to explain the reason for the visit, briefly talk about the situation you are interested in and ask a specific question. If you have certain difficulties with him, a good fortune-teller will help you formulate everything correctly.
It is at this moment that you should tell the fortune teller that if she sees something monstrous in your future, it is better not to talk about it. This approach has its drawbacks, but at least the fortuneteller's story with an emphasis on the positive aspects of the future will “program” your subconscious mind for a good scenario.
You should not ask directly about the date of death, it is better to ask about the reasons.
If you want to know everything, believing that warning of impending troubles will serve you well, which means that you can prevent them, tell the fortuneteller directly about it. Almost any future event can be changed.
Accordingly, if a fortuneteller, looking into your future, saw a bad event there, be sure to ask what exactly led to it and how it can be avoided. This is, so to speak, the basics of communicating with fortune-tellers.
If you are in a romantic relationship that is doing well, do not ask the question about it casually, just out of curiosity. Any roughness in the fortuneteller's answer can ruin your mood for long days.
what can you learn from a fortune teller?
It is very important to understand that there are no irreversible events, therefore, if you find out about something bad, the main thing is not to despair. If necessary, ask for a separate layout for a specific situation. You should not trust fortune-tellers who promise to save you from some kind of trouble if you pay money on top of the agreed amount.
Sometimes, in the process of fortune-telling, you can find out about some kind of hidden program of personality destruction or something else in the same vein. It is very important to get to the bottom of this program in order to "de-energize" it. Do not be afraid to ask any questions in a similar situation, the more questions you ask, the clearer the answer you will get.
If the fortune-teller uses Tarot cards, ask all additional questions on the layout until the cards are mixed into a pile. This is an unspoken rule. Usually fortune-tellers themselves ask the client if there are any questions left on the layout.