How To Sew A Skirt With Flounces With Your Own Hands

How To Sew A Skirt With Flounces With Your Own Hands
How To Sew A Skirt With Flounces With Your Own Hands

A shuttlecock is an element of women's and children's clothing, it gives it airiness, creates a romantic image. Cut it in a circle or spiral. A skirt with flounces is relevant at all times, it makes the figure feminine and attractive.

How to sew a skirt with flounces with your own hands
How to sew a skirt with flounces with your own hands

Skirt pattern

To build a drawing of a mini-skirt with two flounces, you need to take measurements:

- waist circumference (OT);

- hip girth (OB);

- skirt length (DU).

In order for the numbers to be accurate, some rules must be followed. Measurements are made with a centimeter tape. A lace is tied around the waist, thereby accurately marking it, they measure it tightly around the body with a centimeter, in clothes on which the skirt will be put on. Don't measure yourself, ask someone else to do it.

Fold the fabric facing inward to build a drawing of the front fabric of the skirt. In the upper left corner, put a point T, measure ¼ FROM to the right from it, add 1 cm to the freedom of fitting (CO) - this will be T1. Down from T, set aside the width of the yoke - the line for stitching the first shuttlecock - put B. From this point, draw a line, measure ¼ ABOUT + 5 cm CO on it and designate B1.

Down from T, mark the length of the skirt - point H, draw a line to the right, set aside the width of the hem - H1 on it. Connect points T1, B1 and H1. Cut the fabric to the side, leaving a seam allowance. Cut along the yoke line. Cut the back fabric in the same way, only raise points T1, B1 and H1 1 cm up.

Building a shuttlecock drawing

Now cut out two shuttlecocks. You can make a pattern based on the circle. The distance between the outer and inner circles is equal to the shuttle width, plus the hem allowance. The diameter of the small circle must be at least 1/3 of the shuttle joint line. By cutting the ring along the radius, you get a strip, which should be unrolled so that folds are formed along the outer edge. With this cut, an extremely uneconomical layout is obtained.

There is another way to build a shuttlecock drawing - in a spiral. First of all, describe a circle with a diameter equal to half the width of the frill including the seam allowance. In the center of the circle, draw a horizontal line through points A and B. From point A with radius AB, draw a semicircle BV. Then, from the center B with a radius of BV, draw a second semicircle VG from the opposite side. Describe the next turn of the GD again from the center A with a radius equal to AH. Draw a semicircle DE from point B with the radius of the database and so on, until the desired length is obtained.

Sew the details of the skirt along the side seams, unfold and sew the first shuttlecock. Fold the yoke and the lower part of the skirt facing inward, insert the shuttle between them and sew. Sew a second frill to the hem. Process the seams, fold and hem the flounces. Sew the belt to the top edge of the skirt and insert the elastic into it.
