The Chinese is a representative of the eastern people. This is a person with characteristic differences in appearance: narrow eyes and yellow skin. You can portray a Chinese in a rice field.

It is necessary
- - album sheet;
- - pencil;
- - eraser.
Step 1
First, outline the main compound pictures with a pencil: in the middle - the Chinese, at the bottom - the ears of rice, in the upper part of the picture - the mountains. Draw an oval. Draw a triangle above it so that it covers the upper third of the oval. Smooth the top of the triangle hat slightly. Make the base of the figure in the form of an oval. To do this, continue the bottom line beyond the corners of the triangle and making them more round, adjoin them to the head.
Step 2
Draw a nose on the head line with a tubercle. Just above the line of the nose on the face, depict the eye as a bold horizontal stroke. Draw an eyebrow over it - a thin stroke. The Chinese man is in profile, so draw one ear as well. Close to the back of the head, under the cap, draw the ear, almost touching the border of the head. The arch of the ear should resemble the shape of the ear of a cup. Also pretend to be smiling.
Step 3
Draw the torso. Draw a semicircle under the head and extend its sides downward, slightly expanding them. In the middle of the torso, draw two horizontal lines parallel to each other. This will be a wide belt. Hide your feet behind the ears of rice. Draw them as vertical straight strokes. In the upper part, make a thickening - the ear itself. Draw the height, reaching the knee line of the Chinese.
Step 4
Now sketch out the arms. At the top of the torso, draw a semicircle - the shoulder. Continue the sides of the semicircle by placing them parallel. Move your hand to the left. Draw the brush. Just above the left hand, draw the right, the lower border of which is hidden behind the upper border of the left hand. At the location of the elbow fold, draw several short lines - folds of clothing. Draw the bunches of ears with oblique lines.
Step 5
In the background of the picture, depict the mountains in the form of stretched triangles. On the right side of the picture, depict the rice fields as an area divided into squares.