Eastern (Chinese) Horoscope For For All Signs By Year Of Birth

Eastern (Chinese) Horoscope For For All Signs By Year Of Birth
Eastern (Chinese) Horoscope For For All Signs By Year Of Birth

The Chinese horoscope is a 12-year cycle in which each year corresponds to a certain animal with its inherent characteristics and special features.

Eastern (Chinese) horoscope for 2019 for all signs by year of birth
Eastern (Chinese) horoscope for 2019 for all signs by year of birth

There are many legends about how totem designations appeared in the Chinese horoscope. One of the most popular versions says that it all started with the fact that the Buddha invited all the animals to his birthday party. The sly and smart rat immediately realized that if you hurry up, you can get some benefit from this, so the first year in the Chinese calendar corresponds exactly to it. Following the rat, a bull came to Buddha, personifying strength, then a brave tiger, and so on. The twelfth in a row was the pig, which, nevertheless, was immensely happy that nevertheless managed to get into the totem dozen. This animal will just become a symbol of the upcoming 2019. What awaits the rest of the signs of the Eastern horoscope in the future?


Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

  • The main qualities are aggressiveness, charm
  • Character - open, ruthless
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Sagittarius

Purposeful and hardworking rats in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig will be able to successfully realize themselves in their careers. Small troubles will not be able to lead you astray. In a love relationship, everything will also turn out well, and one of the lonely Rats will finally find their soul mate. True, the fateful meeting will most likely take place by the end of the year.


Bull (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

  • The main quality is homeliness
  • Character - stubborn
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Capricorn

In amorous affairs, the coming year will not be very successful for the stubborn Ox. Serious conflicts and disagreements with loved ones can lead to a breakdown in relationships. If you want to keep the union, you need to tame your furious nature a little. In terms of health, one should beware of recurrence of chronic diseases. As for the career, here everything goes on as usual, and hardworking Bulls will definitely receive a well-deserved reward.


Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

  • The main quality is energy
  • Character - closed, dreamy
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Aquarius

The coming year for the Tiger will become unstable, when success and luck will give way to troubles. At this time, you should take care of your health, pay attention to your family and loved ones. You may have to spend a lot. Lonely Tigers can expect dizzying romances, which, however, do not necessarily end in marriage.


Rabbit / Cat (1951, 1963, 1975, 1999, 2011)

  • The main quality is calmness
  • Character - open, "take-off"
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Pisces

It will be a generally favorable year for the peaceful and reserved Rabbit. The pig favors his calmness and virtue, therefore, he will save him from the storms of life. In love, everything will turn out well; in the middle of the year, do not miss the fateful meeting. Success in financial affairs awaits you, the money itself comes to you.


Dragon (1952, 1964, 1976, 2000, 2012)

  • The main qualities are emotionality, honesty
  • Character - unshakable, "take-off"
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Aries

Due to the energetic and decisive nature, the Dragon is often successful in his career. The coming year promises him some troubles, especially at the very beginning, which will have to be overcome in order to receive the well-deserved reward. Owners of even the most excellent health should listen to themselves and their bodies in order to avoid undesirable consequences in the future. In love, Dragons will not be bored. Singles can expect new romantic encounters.


Snake (1953, 1965, 1977, 2001, 2013)

  • The main quality is wisdom
  • Character - closed, sensual
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Taurus

Outwardly calm, but passionate Snake will have to work hard in 2019 to achieve what it wants. She can be trapped in trouble both in love affairs and in her career. The Yellow Pig will force you to rely only on yourself.


Horse (1954, 1966, 1978, 2002, 2014)

  • The main quality is honesty
  • Character - open, humane
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Gemini

Cheerful and independent Horses will be lucky this year. Luck will favor you in almost all matters, especially career and finance. But in the love sphere, disappointments are possible. Go ahead and be persistent in all your endeavors.


Goat / Sheep (1955, 1967, 1979, 2003, 2015)

  • The main quality is capriciousness
  • Character - stubborn, sensitive
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Cancer

Overall, this is a good year for the Goat. Grace will reign in family relationships, and singles will be able to enjoy romantic adventures. The career is likely to go uphill, there will be an opportunity to get a more prestigious position or improve your qualifications. In financial matters, you should not rely on luck, but rather appreciate the tit in your hands.


Monkey (1956, 1968, 1980, 2004, 2016)

  • The main quality is cunning
  • Character - inward-facing, down-to-earth
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Leo

Smart, dexterous, easily solves difficult problems, this year the Monkey will be able to put all his affairs in order, but only if he does not waste money, then he will have to go into debt later. On the contrary, financial savings in the Year of the Pig are highly welcome. In a love relationship - "peace and quiet", which, however, someone may not like it, want passions, but the Monkey still needs to learn to appreciate the quiet family happiness. Singles can find their soul mate.


Rooster (1957, 1969, 1981, 2005, 2017)

  • The main quality is bragging
  • Character - sociable, down-to-earth
  • Corresponds to Virgo in the zodiac horoscope

For the Rooster, the coming year promises many pleasant events. You will not be bored, however, the time is not the most suitable for rest. To achieve significant results, Roosters will need to work hard. Couples can count on harmony and peace, but singles may have to wait a little longer for the fateful changes.


Dog (1958, 1970, 1982, 2006, 2018)

  • The main quality is fairness
  • Character - stubborn, materialistic
  • Corresponds to Libra in the zodiac horoscope

Not the most successful year for the stubborn and sharp-tongued Dog, but in general it will do without serious troubles. In financial affairs and career, everything will slowly improve, so you should not force events. You may not have to rely on large sums of money in the coming year, but it will be enough for basic needs. Lonely hearts will be able to finally meet new love, but the path to the altar will most likely not be close.


Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 2007, 2019)

  • The main quality is kindness
  • Character - closed, courageous
  • In the zodiac horoscope corresponds to Scorpio

This is her year, so in general the Pig will be favored by good luck, but it will also have to work hard. The financial position will be quite stable, and diligence will bring success and excellent results in a career. Loners can expect pleasant changes in their personal lives, and married couples may need to solve many everyday problems aimed at home improvement. This year is a good time for the Pig to have children.
