Summer is a good time for all plants, including domestic ones. Luxurious flowering and excellent growth are promoted by long days of light, as well as an excess of heat and light. However, indoor plants require special care in the summer.

Plant life is best done outdoors in summer. Fresh air helps vegetation to form new shoots and flower buds. Therefore, if there is an opportunity at this time of the year, you can take flowers to the balcony, gazebo or outdoor terrace. It is only necessary to protect the vegetation from exposure to direct sunlight, wind and heavy rain.
If the owner of the flowers did not manage to transplant them into another soil in the spring, it is not too late to do this in the summer, especially at the beginning. For each type of plant, it is advisable to buy or make by hand your own composition of the earth in accordance with its age and characteristics. It can be leafy, humus, peat or turf soils.
For example, young seedlings love light mixtures:
Leafy soil - 2 parts;
Humus soil - 2 parts;
Sod soil - 1 part;
Sand - 1 part.
Adult gifts of flora are well accepted by medium compositions:
Sod soil - 2 parts;
Humus soil - 1 part;
Leafy soil - 1 part;
Sand - 1 part.
Large perennial plants (hibiscus, philodendron, ficus, palm) grow well in heavy soils:
Sod soil - 3 parts;
Leafy soil - 1 part;
Humus soil - 1 part;
Sand - 1 part.
Coarse, washed sand is added to each of the mixtures. In accordance with the size of the flower, it is necessary to select the appropriate pot or tub for it. Caring for indoor plants also includes regular feeding. If the plant does not have enough nitrogen, it will grow poorly, change the color of the leaves, the size of the flowers. With a lack of phosphorus, the plant may not bloom at all, or delay flowering, or bloom for a very short time. And if there is not enough potassium, the plant can undergo any disease. It is best to buy a liquid feed that contains all these minerals and feed the plants once a week according to the instructions. On the eve of the day of feeding, it is necessary to water the flowers abundantly.
In summer, plants need more frequent watering. But it is recommended to consider the view. Bulbous flowers with succulent leaves (agave, scarlet, etc.) should be watered less frequently. And plants with large leaves (lemon, oleander, ficus) are watered more often. Cacti generally need some drought.
You should not wait until the soil in the pot dries up altogether. If water is insufficient, most viable roots can dry out. Overflow of soil is also harmful. At the same time, it oxidizes, and young roots die in it. Therefore, it is best to water the plants in a tray with settled water. They themselves will drink the right amount of moisture. Useful in the warm season and spraying the leaves of flowers. Both above and below. This increases the immunity of plants to pests. Loosening of the soil is recommended between waterings, which contributes to the saturation of the roots with oxygen.
All plants need bathing in summer. Once a week, the leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth or watered with a weak stream of shower. At the same time, it is advisable to remove dry shoots in order to avoid the appearance of pests and diseases.
In the summer, many go to rest, leaving their homes with indoor plants. If the owners are leaving for a long time, then it is necessary to agree with someone to at least water the flowers at this time. In a situation where lovers of home flora are absent for a period of no more than one week, automatic watering can be dispensed with. It consists in the fact that one end of the rope is dipped into a bottle of water, and its other piece is placed in a pot of earth. In this case, the capacity should be slightly higher than the flower. And the number of threads required is calculated as follows: 1 cord is relied on for 10 cm of the diameter of the pot.
Here, perhaps, are all the simple ways that houseplants need in summer. The main thing is to love them as members of your family. And then they will definitely delight their owners with decorative beauty.