With the onset of summer, a hot season began for the florist. In hot weather, indoor plants need special daily attention and care.

Step 1
If in the winter season the plants need one-time watering per week, then in the summer it is worth reducing the watering interval to 1-2 days. Watering indoor plants is necessary with settled boiled water at room temperature. It should stand for at least a day. For some plant species, water must be acidified with 9% vinegar once a month. Watering is best done in the plant's pan, so that the water jet will not wash out the soil at the base of the flower and protect your plant from rot in the roots.
Step 2
In rainy or cloudy summer weather, natural humidity is sufficient for plants. But on hot days, plants need to arrange daily spraying. It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening when the sun goes down, thus protecting the flowers from direct sunlight. During periods when temperatures exceed 30 degrees, indoor plants can be helped to survive the heat by adding ecosil or zircon to the spray water.
Step 3
For shade-tolerant plants standing against the walls and in the corners of the room, summer lighting becomes more acceptable - it is bright and diffused. Inhabitants of all window sills, except for the northern one, have a "full" light. For a long life of your houseplants in early summer, you need to position them correctly. Leave succulents and variegated plants in the sunniest places, and the rest can be moved to the corners of the windowsill or hidden from the sun using a special reflective film. It is also necessary to monitor the "movement", if a plant begins to stretch or, conversely, "burn out" immediately adjust its location.